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Intelligence is the ability to sort things out, analyze the rationale before coming to a conclusion.

Right you are about the value of emotional intelligence and the role it plays in career success. Our students need to see how they can develop their emotional intelligence and make it a part of their career skill set.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

All the domains of intelligence (with perhaps the omission of musical intelligence) are critical in the food service industry.With that said, there id one type of intelligence that overarches all others; emotional intelligence. The ability or inability to empathize with the customer and see the dining experience through the customer's eyes is the single dividing line between success and failure.

Well developed definition of intelligence. Like the way you put the different elements together into a package that has balance between the different intelligences and abilities. This is what we should be striving to do with our students as they progress through their educational sequence.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

In the field of dental hygiene, I would define intelligence as a combination of physical skills (which have to be learned and are dependent on a combination of Bodily/Kinesthetic as well as Spatial Intelligence) and acquired knowledge (book learning) in conjunction with critical thinking which allows for successful treatment of each individual patient.

I like the way you approach your definition of intelligence because it has so many variables just as you have outlined. We need to look at how individuals process information and come up with possible solutions. This will help us to see the value of their contributions as well as give us ideas of how they can refine their problem solving skills even more.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It’s very difficult to define intelligence. Webster dictionary defines intelligence as, “ the act or state of knowing; the exercise of the understanding. The capacity to know or understand; readiness of comprehension; the intellect, as a gift or and endowment. “
If we asked different people from various professions, socioeconomic groups, religious, and cultural backgrounds everyone would have a different interpretation. We need to start looking at each individual as a whole and find that area in which they excel; people are not “slow” they just haven’t been taught how they learn. We need to understand that concepts, theories and ideas that are assimilated and interpreted defiantly are not wrong, just because we have another way of “seeing things”. We need to stop placing individuals into compartments and labeling them as “incapable or incompetent”, because they don’t fit into the norm.
We need to think outside the box!!

Mary Jane,
Thank you for the comments about how intelligence can be defined and used by students. You are right about the need to be able to analyze situations and then work toward solutions. Being able to do this will help to determine the career success of students for years to come.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Intelligence is knowing that a person can learn something from anyone even the homeless. It is being able to adapt to new environment or to changes in the current environment; the capacity for knowledge and the ability to acquire knowledge. We also have to be able to take the data and reason or use abstract thought to come up with the best solution for us. In the working world of today we must be able to work as a team to produce the best product at the best price at the right location and at the right time.Our customer service must be beyond reproach.

Like your definition. It includes a number of different ways in which the problem solver can approach a situation and come up with a solution. This is such a valuable knowledge to have as it will serve them well in many different settings.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Intelligence to me involves confidence in the knowledge that one possess in their discipline. The courage to be able to admit to mistakes or defeat. Lastly the ability to evolve and understand that learning is a never ending process.

This is a blend of skill sets that need to be developed while the students are in school. I agree with your analysis of how intelligence operates in this type of work setting.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Right you are about needing to understand the workplace and how to be successful in it. Many of my students today have an entitlement mentality and as a result think they are owed a grade. I have to convince them that they have to earn their grade through hard work and effort.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I teach at a career school in the medical assisting department. I think intelligence for a medical assistant is knowing how to perform the job requirements but also being able to perform in emergency situations that require quick thinking along with medical assisting skills. There also needs to be some creativity on the job to be able to solve problems for patients that do not require medical skills.

Being intelligent enough to know that at any place of employment, it takes every area to function as a unit to be successful. Also, being able to identify the different approaches to a situation, will formulate better results.

Good point because it does boil down to clear and concise information with patients. If they patients can't understand or are confused then there is not going to be the relationship that is desired between the health care provider and the patient.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.


As a critical thinker multiple intelligence coordinates the thinking process for problem solving.

I think you have shared a very good and workable definition of intelligence. Thank you.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Intelligence in my opinion means to pocess the necessary knowledge to perform your job and be knowledgable in your field of study

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