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Motivating left brain learners

The left brain learners can be motivated through logical exercises


How do you share these individual missions with your peers so all of your team can help remind students when they get discouraged?

Jeffrey Schillinger

One thing I talk about with our students is to have them develop a Mission Statement for thier careers. Then from that have them develop a Vision Statement as to how they are going to bring about the Mission Statement. Our discussion then can help me get to know them better.


Thank you for this post. What are some of the best ways to get to know one's students?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree, to get the best results as possible I believe it's important to get to know each student as well as you can, within reason.


We need to remember that although certain age groups have typical characteristics, individual in these groups may not. We need to use many methods as we facilitate learning.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree but I feel Gen X & Gen Y should be encourage to engage in or apply themselves in learning eperiences that require indepth effort to develop longer attention spans.


Providing students with choices can be very effectve as they then feel like they have some control over their educational path.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I have found that if I teach using interactive activities, projects and research assignments that all of my students fare pretty well using this mix. I find that it caters to each type of learning style. interactive activities such as games, puzzle cater to my logical learners. Projects involving making or building something caters to my kinesthetic learners and research assignmetns caters to both.


Great post. A lot of students need a lot of variety. They also need to learn how to stick with something for long stretches as well, so be sure to work in some of those activities as well.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I think with todays gen 'y' and gen 'x' learners it is imperative that instructors engage in right brain activities as well as left brain to engage and maintain the attention of these students. They are people who have short attention spans, who are use to instant answers from the internet. If we are to get them to learn in a classroom setting we need to use multiple alternative teaching methods throughout the 50 minutes of each teaching session to keep them engaged.

Thank you for this post, Janice. What are some specific things you do to help your right brain learners to successfully navigate logic problems?

Jeffrey Schillinger

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