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The First Day of Class

The first day of class is so vital in assessing the needs of the individual students, especially with a new enrollment. The first day of class and the first week of a new semester start is so important to me.

In addition to giving the course overview, syllabi etc. I take the time to have each person introduce themselves, share their backgrounds and state their expectations.

I share my expectations about the progression of class to hopefully establish some common ground with the people that I am just getting to know.

Any suggestions or ideas?

Yolanda Pope

Hello Yolanda,
On the first day of class, I go over the syllabus in details, and ask if anyone have questions pertaining to the syllabus. I then have a couple of icebreakers, I give them a sheet with 5 animnal characterics, and ask them which characteristic pertains to them. Then I have an introductory period asking them to tell something about themselves, their major and why they chose MMTC. I also discuss my expectations of them as students and they ask the students what their expectations are from me as being their instructor.

Personal stories of my own experiences is also a way to build a relationship with the class.

Hi Paula,
This is a great way to set the class up on the first day. This will help the students to get settled into the class and start them looking forward to the upcoming sessions. This also lets them know that support is there and that you have walked in their shoes so you understand where they are coming from.

Hi Israel,
Well said and a good reminder for our students. They need to capture the vision of their future so they will be willing to put forth the effort needed to be successful.

I agree with this strategy. I assure the students on the first day of class that if they need something in the way of instructional approach or resources, I welcome their suggestions and, also, feedback on which techniques I'm utilizing work well for them and which do not work well for them. This helps me evaluate how to improve as their instructor, in effectiveness. I ask my students to be proactive in requesting time with me to voice any concerns or to go over questions they have on course content, resources to improve their learning curve, learning strategies, etc. I also make it a point to let them know that I was at their 'junction,' when I was a student, and that I understand the difficulty of what they're trying to learn and respect them for their dedication to career goals.

Yes i agree. The first day of class should make value of the subjects that are going to be taught in the course. This means to many, that money can be made from the skills learned. This in turn means that families are taken care of, bills paid, and security being met.

Hi Laurent,
Good point about listening. Teachers sometimes think they have been hired to talk only, while learning to listen is forgotten. Can't be done. We have to learn to listen so we know how to plan and react to the needs of our students.


i agree with Yolanda. I spend alot of time learning what the students like, and dislike and find the center the best i can. Glenn Jones

Hi Farida,
I like your ice breaker. Any type of class opening that will help you get familiar with the students and they with they peers is a good way to start a class. It helps everyone to get comfortable in the new setting.

I like to use an icebreaker excercise on the first day. I have students draw something for me, and then I can tell them what kind of student/person they are based on what their drawing looks like. Students seem to enjoy it more than verbally introducing themselves on the first day. I even do the excercise with them, so it gives them a way to get to know me.

Hi Christopher,
Great illustration of what it really costs to be a student and what it costs when they are not there. This example should serve as an eye opener to those students that see their classes as requirements rather than opportunities to achieve their career goals.

I do all of the same things that you do on the first day but in addition I have figured out what each 5 hour class period at my school costs. So when getting to know the students backgrounds and goal I ask them "If I was to take $95 out of my wallet and give it to you what would you by, After all have stated their intentions for the money I reveal that that is what each class period costs and by missing my classes that is what they are giving up. I find this especially helpful with my younger students who do not understand the meaning of what $40,000. even is never having had or spent that amount. The all know what $95.00 dollars is and it helps keep them in class.

I have learned it is critical to set goals and standards on the first day. Without a clear path and parameters of expectations it is not possible for a student meet the objectives of the class or the instructor.

The first day of class is very important to any body in the education field. I my case the first day is when I set the tone for the whole course and everybody knows where everybody is coming from. When I do this the students feel more comfortable and willing to open up more to the teachings that i will give and them to receive.

Hi Corinne,
That seems to be a good way of ice breaking and presnting everyone inthe class.It increases communication process and better understanding inthe whole group.We can use numbered cards to randomly select the pairs for interview and presentation.

Hi John,
Good point about the first day. The students need to see that you consider all class meetings as valuable and that they will learn something in each meeting.

Most of my students don't seem to think the first day is valuable. I always try to cover something that they will have to ask about later or miss on a test. Word gets around not to miss the first day of my class.

great ideas

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