Adults enter an education or training program with a high level of motivation to learn.
They want the course to have the objectives clearly specified and the training components systematically laid out.
Adults want to know how the course's content will benefit them.
I find adult learners are quicker to resond to questions,and are more eger to help in lab situations.
Hi Denise,
What are some of the strategies you use to keep your adults engaged and focused throughout the course?
I think it is very important to "know your audience".
Students are more likely to be engaged if you take the time to get to know and understand them.
One thing that I do with adult learner is invite them to share some of the stories that are relevant to topic materials. I think this helps them increase their confidence and to help them see that their experiences are valuable-even with moving them forward in their educational career.
I also assign them to teach certain concepts from the course. Then we all learn from each other.
I agree, and this is true at various levels of age, not just the seasoned students. There are students that have had experiences that are fitting in many situations and everyone can learn from the students. Encouraging the students to speak up about a topic relating to the course helps everyone feel more comforatble about being in the course and school.