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When I get to the mid-term hump, I review my syllabus and check off everything I have covered. This gives me a boost to plan for how best to present the rest of the needed material based on how it has gone so far. This is a time of inspiration for me and I can come up with some pretty good ideas from doing this.

Thank you for sharing this strategy with us. I know it will be of value to other instructors. Students wear down and get tired so they need activities that will get them ramped back up and this is true for instructors as well.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We all get a little tired and burned out sometimes. We as instructors cannot let this affect our classroom or it will affect the students and their ability to learn. I like the idea of refocusing to help empower us as instructors and to rethink why we need to present the material and to reassess the priorities of the course. Sometimes I believe that this should be a regular Monday morning routine to help prepare for the week ahead. Thanks for the insight. I thought it was just me getting a little burned out.

Dear Dr. Meers and Class, refocusing is an absolute necessity for both teachers and students. Everyone experiences burnout, and, sometimes, this can happen before reaching the end of a semester. This is when using the tool of refocusing is essential. It creates in an instructor the need to become more engaged in the course material once again. It enables them to re-engage with students so that the students do not feel as if they are just getting a recycled lecture, without any of the original oomph the instructor might have infused it with. As an instructor, I tell myself that if I cannot be enthusiastic in each class, each and every day, I am not only cheating the students of the best educational opportunity I am capable of giving them, but I am also cheating myself because each class is different and I can learn from each student in it.

M. O'Connor

Your comments are right on in terms of reminding us educators that we need to bring our A game to class each time it meets. To do so requires that we stay engaged and are excited about teaching that day's topic. Yes, it is easy to get burned out but we need to introduce new activities into our classes that get us excited about the class which will expand to our students and their engagement as well.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think we as instructors get complacent. That complacency leads to lethargy and then we get so used to our jobs we anticipate how each day is going to go and get run down by the workload. By "REFOCUSing" We put in a new variable and recharge our minds to be more productive.

You make a very good point about instructor engagement and enthusiasm. We need to bring our A game to each class and when we start to slip into a routine that does not let us do that then we need to do just what you outlined. This will get us ramped back up and excited about teaching once again.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Without your energy, creativity, drive and ability to give positive rapport will deminish. The fuel tank has to be filled inorder to continue down the road.

As instructors, we need to be well versed in the subjects that we are teaching. In regards to refocus, instructors need to be positive and refocus during downtimes in class...don't wait until the next class period; the instructor will loose the emphasis and excitement from the original lecture.

Like the way you have express what instructor REFOCUS should be about. This is how we continue to bring our A game to class each time it meets.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have noticed that if I am feeling tired or even bored myself that I lose the students interest. When I am feeling that way I let them take a break and then I recharge and refocus. Just a quick break helps. Doing back to back classes some days is just hard and you do need a refocus time!

Refocusing is important because instructors are human too. When we are teaching a course over and over it is easy to burn out without changing it up a little or refreshing the material. While the content is often the same, how it is presented could be make all the difference in keeping the subject fresh and interesting. An enthusiastic instructor will engage the students and learning will occur. Arlene

Adriana, this is so true for me too. Teaching clinical skills in the health professions can become mundane after a while. Using new methodology to present information can be refreshing! Arlene

Good points about refocus. I hear you about the fatigue that occurs after teaching long session classes back to back to back. It is hard to regroup and be ready for the next session. I try to find a few minutes just to slow down and reflect on what I have just done and what I need to do next. These five minutes of quiet and restful time help me to recycle my thoughts and recharge my batteries.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As you say refocus is so important. We can't let teaching the same course over and over become routine for us if we are to remain fresh in our delivery. I currently teach six sections of the same course so I have to work hard to make sure I give my maximum effort to each class. I make notes so I will know for sure what I have and haven't covered. Want to make sure that each class feels that the lectures and activities are targeted to them.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have semesters that are not bad at all, especially when I have students who want to learn.But when I have a semester with students that can't make it on time or at all it's difficult.I try to refocus each new semester when I have new students.

I have the same experiences when it comes to different classes. Currently I have six classes with four being right on in terms of wanting to learn and progress. The other two classes have students that really don't want to be in school and could care less about learning. I will say these two classes make for some interesting times as I have to work even harder to get them engaged and staying focused. Some days I and some day I don't.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I attend a lot of prossional meetings realted to my curiculum. I find hearing other speakers discuss material and a brief change of venue helps renew my enthusiasm. I enjoy sharing things I have learned with students and it helps create that bond of trust.I

Love that analogy! That moment of renewal and transfromation that we all need is important regardless of your occupation. It is important for us as humans.

I am like you in that I like to hear from others in my field. I learn much and get my batteries recharged which makes me a better teacher as a well informed professional in my field.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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