Reinventing the Wheel
After teaching the same course quarter in and quarter out it is very easy to get too comfortable and become complacent. even the jokes have become stale. :0)
It is important to continually ask yourself why you teach a concept or skill a certain way and regularly look for a better or different way to achieve the same result.
Even though you've taught the course many times, you should prepare as though it's the first time.
I am currently teaching 6 sections of the same course so I can really relate to your comments. I have to prepare for each section as if it were a different course so I can make each class unique for me as well as my students. This is a great help in keeping my interest high.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Yes, and also to think of the best ways to present the material for each group of students. I also vary something in the course each term; if it is successful, I may repeat it!
Students like change of pace and variety in their learning opportunities. So the more of each you introduce the better. In addition you will be appealing to the different learning preferences of the students in the process.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
That will be a great assistance to me since I will be teaching the same term every three months.
I wish you much success as you continue to offer your quality instruction.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.