Discussions of career experiences helps to motivate your students.
I work full time in the field that I teach and am constantly learning new things or experiencing new situations. I frequently bring up these topics in classroom discussions. This demonstrates that even though I am considered an expert in my field to the students, I am still an active learner expanding my knowledge through my experiences.
Good strategy. Using these life experiences in the classroom also reinforces to the students the application and relevancy of what they are being taught. This becomes a win win for everyone.
I constantly find myself using my life experiences in the classroom. They help me relate thetypes of taks the student will be performing.
So true. They really like stories that reinforce what they are studying. They help the students to see relevancy and application to the course content.
Relate, relate, relate! Students prefer to hear stories that they can relate to> This tends to turn their brains on and dream about completing their courses so they can work in their field of study!
All good ways to show students that they are making progress in their learning. They have something to offer to the class and that they need to stay focused if they are going to move toward their career goals.
As we all know, motivation comes from within, but I do realize that 1st time students need some reinforcement. What I do is tell students to keep a motivation folder. In this folder should be materials that make you feel good about yourself. I tell them to put a goal that they have accomplished, positive feedback from co-workers and supervisors. Postive feedback from classmates and instructors. Awards that made them feel good about themselves. I also tell them to write something about themself in which they feel was outstanding. Sometimes in class, I tell them to take out that motivation folder, and reflect on it for a minute or two, and if they chose to write something at that time, they may do so.
Discussions like this are very valuable because they help students to see the future they are creating for themselves through their studies.
I totally agree! In addition, I talk about the various positions students may seek after graduation and this is supported by graduates who come back as guest speakers for my classes.