Having taught secondary school, I found creating a specialized bulletin board that highlighted student achievement to be effective. Can this be just as effective with career students? Or, is it too childish?
Hi Carolyn,
Great way of catching the attention of the students. As you know it is so easy for students to ignore announcements and then ask later about something that was covered in the announcements. Your visual aids, color and highlights are all attention catching devices to catch their eyes.
I feel you hit the nail on the head. It does rest in how the instructor uses and promotes the bulletin board. With my experience in higher education mainly at the online arena we have what is called announcements on the students home page of the classroom. When I want to make a point of time is running out I include a clock with a message. When I want to bring students attention to something in the group project I provide a gain a visual aid to get their attention and they seem to retain the information better because they follow the directions.
I found that including a visual aid on my announcements help when I need to also bring attention to a change in schedule or highlight a feature I want them to have knowledge of.
Now I don't use visual aids in all of my announcements but I find also using colors to highlight words or phrases and using different fonts can emphasize the information very well for adult learning in the online environment.
Hi LaTunya,
The answer will rest with how you use and promote the bulletin board. If you make it a part of how you approach the class and promote student achievement your students will make it a part of their learning process. I find these displays are very helpful in showing students' progression points and other helpful information.