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Teacher = Instructor & Entertainer?

Holding students interests in this fast paced world of media means that in order to hold the attention of some students, one might have to become at least a little bit of an entertainer.This is not to mean that the "Show" out entertains rather than the teaching aspect but augments it instead.

It's been my personal experiences that when your in front of a class and you've got them in the palm of your hand, EVERY eye is on you, no one is asleep, its becouse your not only teaching them your intertaining them. It's a fine line between teaching and intertaning. What teacher out there has not sat down at the end of a class and looked back at what worked and what didn't? And then built on what did work, and threw away what did not? Is this not how intertainers get and keep our attention???

Hi George,
You make a good point. Instructors need to be able to catch and hold the attention of students. It doesn't hurt at all if you are a bit of an entertainer and get your students focused on what you are saying and how you are emphasizing your points through body language.

Hi Jeff,
I want to reinforce one of the points you made in your forum response that is good advice for instructors. Do set down after a class and make a note or two about how the class went and what worked well. Then as you plan the class the next time you can use these proven strategies knowing that they are going to work well for you. This will give you a sense of comfort and help to build your confidence as an instructor.

I agree. I feel that when class starts, it is the same as being on stage when ther lights come on. No matter what kind of a day you are having up to that point, you better be smiling and have good info ready to present.

Hi Blaik,
Consistency is the essential ingredient in the recipe for success as a teacher. You are right about being able to be on the top of your game each day you are in the classroom.

Hello Dr. Meers and fellow learers,

I agree with what Dr. Meers, George, and my fellow learners have said regarding this topic. As our course notes state, the instructor sets the tone which will encourage or discourage student retention. Students will be eager to come to class if they know that the instructor is someone who can "lighten the load" of the class material just a bit by giving them a laugh or smile at the beginning, during, and/or at the end of each class. As an instructor, I always inject some humor into my classrooms either by something I say or do.


I agree to a point. Sometimes on the first day I like to tell some of my personal experiences in this field and some of the funny ones especially. It kind of gets the "ice broken" and shows the students that you can have fun and learn at the same time.

Hi Brian,
This is a good way to start a new class. It gives the students a chance to get settled in and to get to know you and each other. I feel ice breakers are needed to help the students have some fun start to appreciate how the course will be conducted. You are right on with your class starting methods.

In the presentation of certain subject matters, I actually wear costumes and utilize technology to incorprated the lesson in an entertaining way.. i.e. The American Revolution. For many this topic can be less attractive to learn, but through the use of costumes, it has become one of the more popular class sessions this year.

In a field like ours, there are alot of students that need a little more than just the facts. There are times when teaching that type of student group that you need to put in that extra bit of zing into the material from personal experience. Just make sure it is entertainment dealing with the subject mater.

Hey Jeff
I agree with you about having to be an entertainer as well as an instructor any time you get in front of a group no matter what you do you gotta keep the interest of the class up, we even see it in the religious gatherings that we attend preachers and priest have to be entertainers. I have found that keeping your students engaged in the class discussions and projects as soon as they walk in the door works exceptionally for myself and my students.

This is kind of funny since I tend to think this way. Sometimes my colleagues seem to see my as quite and introspective outside of class, but once I'm in front of my class I try to be outgoing and excited (such as making hand gestures, smiling, walking around the room). I feel this works in keeping student retention as well as basic interest when the instructor finds the material exciting, even if it is a subject the students may normally find boring/unexciting. Sometimes (though not on purpose), making funny gestures/mistakes (such as funny faces or accidentally hitting the desk) also seems to catch their attention and attentive to the front of the room.

Hi Matthew,
As you know instructors are also actors. They are on "stage" when they are in front of the class no matter what they are doing. As instructors we have to remember this and always act professionally while having fun with what we are doing. This will help the students to stay engaged in the learning process. Humor is a great tool to develop as a teacher because funny things will happen whether we want them to or not so we might as well laugh at them.

Maybe we could put the lessons on their cell phones.

Hi David,
You might have a good idea here. The only problem is if the students thought they were learning something by using their cell phones they would quit using them. They don't want to mix learning with their communication process.

i have found a little comic relief helps releive class tension and sometimes gets a point across during a lecture.

Keeping the kids entertained is essential to maintaining a good classroom environment while also keeping up retention. Bored students won't come to class and entertained students show up all the time. From the students perspective I understand that it can be very daunting to sit in a lecture at minimum for 2 hours and listen to a monotoned boring lecture.

Hi Nicolle,
Well said. Your point about having to maintain student interest, involvement and motivation is essential if we are to be effective as educational leaders.

I hear that. I use as much comic relief in the class not just to put the point home but also to get their attention. If a class laughs at a joke, something silly I'm doing or whatever then the ones not paying attention seem to get back into it. The entertainment part of the Teacher is a fun adventure in lecturing.

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