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Thank you for sharing your observation and experience concerning the role model you want to be. Your class with the unhappy and non-motivated instructor has served you well because to do have someone to compare to and you know for sure you were and are not going to be "that guy".

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have found that if I am enthusiastic about the projects in my lecture and demo the students are more likely to remember what is being covered come lab time. I will stress the dos and don'ts every time, but if I'm enthusiastic they seem to stick.

As in instructor you mode will set the pace of the class.

Instructor enthusiasm is critical to a successful learning environment. The instructor sets the tone for the course. If the instructor is monotone, boring, not motivated or driven, the students will sense the lack of effort and enthusiasm, and not want to be a part of the learning environment. To engage and retain the instructor should be energetic and animated. Students have plenty of outside activities to occupy their time, they need to be stimulated and motivated to want to return to school.

The instructor should provide motivation as to why the student wants to remain in the course of study. If the instructor portrays misery, and always finds fault with equipment or books,for example, it will not encourage the student to want to stay in that environment.

Right you are about instructor enthusiasm and passion. Both of these elements contribute to the learning success of students. When you show your passion for your field and then bring enthusiasm for teaching about it to class every day you are increasing the value of the course to and for your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think the students body language say it all! Be passionate about the subject and your students become eager listeners and participants. Be enthusiastic about your presentation and your students will become great learners.

Well said. If you show you are passionate about your field and excited about teaching then you have a combination that will engage your students and enhance their learning.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

at the end of my lecture I give a cliff hanger which makes the students stay till the end knowing that the cliff hanger could be a question on their next exam.

I love this approach and use it frequently in my courses. I use the GEICO insurance approach in that I say "Did you know that _______?". The students enjoy this activity and often they will propose a question like this as the cliff hanger or next class session challenge. They get a kick out of coming up with the questions and often ask them in a fun way.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Instructor enthusiasm is crucial. The student attitude will directly affect the disposition of the instructor. They follow your lead. I myself find if I am having an off day, simply taking a couple of minutes before class to make my students aware of this goes a long way.

Right you are. Bringing to class passion for your field and enthusiasm for teaching about it goes a long way in "selling" the value of your course to students. Excitement is catching so we need to spread it around.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I am still rather new to teaching but within my short time, I have noticed when I am excited students want in too. They want to share the passion and fun. Also, I personally can say that I enjoy learning from an enthusiastic instructor. Attitude helps keep me more enaged and focused

In teaching a career development class, mostly about being positive, etc. I begin each class with a song that reflects the lesson for the day. On the first day I played Happy and the reaction I received from the students was varied. It was the first day and they didn't see the relevance at first. However, I explained and asked for requests for future songs. They became engaged and gave me many good selections.

Instructor enthusiasm brings relevance and leadership to the course material. Enthusiasm also shows that the instructor is joyful about sharing and giving of his/herself. With enthusiasm comes a feeling of personal relevancy that is often "catchy" and helps students to be more engaged.

I guess if we put entertainment before content i would agree with you however mixing in some fun with some content is a proper recipe.
You know the song, "a little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down".

being enthusiastic motivates students into wanting to focus and learn

Instructor enthusiasm has a huge impact on how the overall class functions. If an instructor mirrors the "Dry Eyes" Guy from the 90's no one will be paying attention. Grades will be low. But if an instructor has a true passion for the material that the teach, it will catch on with the students. Their interest levels will be higher and their work will be better.

Enthusiasm is catching so we need to bring it to class each time and help our students to see our passion for our field and the excitement we have about teaching it.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Thanks for the reference to the "Dry Eyes" guy, Ben Stein. His performance is such a classic that he is referenced often even today when it comes to being the "death by teacher" guy. At least he gave us a role model of what not to do and for that we can say "thank you".

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The instructor sets the stage for how the class will accept the information that is being taught. Instructors must be engaged and excited about any topic that they are teaching,students feed off of the enthusiasm of the instructor. If the instructor is unhappy, bored, hates the topic they are teaching the students will see it and feel them same way about the class. Once you have lost the students attention then the student will not feel the need to keep coming to the class.

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