Empathy and Support
To not ignore the students outside problems is essential. Just listening makes for a motivated student. All of our students need to feel that their work and effort,despite one's problems,are very much noticed. The human factor is a life factor. Success in the class room will flow out side the class room because, of knowledge and human skills that are being acquired.
Jo Ann,
Good point. Students are carrying these outside influences with them so we need to acknowledge them and then move forward to the influences don't take them away from school.
Dr. Gary Meers
it is important for students to know that while their life problems and hardships are important that school is a place where they can leave them at the door and experience new and exceptional things. but always keep in mind that if they need support in any way instructors are available to do so.
Empathy and support yes, but know where to draw the line. Too many times I have seen students take advantage of sympathetic teachers.
Good point and one we need to remember. We need to be supportive but also firm, consistent and professional in our dealings with our students.
Dr. Gary Meers
I agree. There are some students that can be manipulative and will use their situation to their advantage, however, when we are being empathetic and making exceptions, are we really helping them?
We must always maintain the standards of our courses because they lead our students to their careers. There will be life issues that come up for students and we can make some adjustments as needed but we cannot make exceptions to the development of the core competencies.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.