Me as adult learner!
I am an adult learner myself. As an adult learner I definitely must see purpose as I feel my time is limited. This course for instance is a requirement for my employment and I have to do it. The question is " Would of you still done this course if there was no requirement" I know I would of but what about the rest of you?
Good question to raise about professional development. We need to keep a goal for ourselves as professional educators that we will try to benefit from any opportunity that is presented to learn more and get better at being an educator.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I have to be honest and say, no, I wouldn't. But, it's only because I have other avenues of learning going on. I teach full time, so that in itself is a learning experience. In addition, I am taking masters classes, which again, is a learning experience.
As an adult learner I feel I’m behind the power curve on learning experience. When I first joined the military I was motivated to take classes. As I got older, family and deployments became priority and education fell down my list of priorities. Now retired I have the time for education and find myself in class settings and feeling overwhelmed.
This is common for many older students that have had extensive experiences in the real world and you certainly have those experiences. I commend you for all that you have done to date. As far as feeling overwhelmed try if you can to focus a a few of your responsibilities and get them organized and prepared. There is no magic to this just as you know a lot of effort. When I get in situations like this I try to think about the age old question--How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time. So if you can get the work broke down into manageable chunks hopefully you will be able to work through all of the components now facing you.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The answer for this particular course is yes. I find myself questioning whether or not I am being an effective instructor/mentor with my students. This course reminds me of methods that can be used to keep the coursework and the atmosphere supportive and assistive for my students.
Like the idea of you raising the question about being an effective instructor and mentor. I think we instructors need to ask this question of ourselves throughout our careers. This way we keep our focus on being the best we can be at all times.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Truthfully I would not have taken this course if it were not a requirement for my career at the school I'm working at. I appreciate the opportunity given as I have a refreshed insight to the world of education.
Thank you for your honesty and I am glad you have been able to refresh your engagement in education. After 35 years of teaching I am still looking for better ways to teach and I find that courses like this help me to expand my expertise and knowledge. I wish you continued teaching success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Hi Felix,
I gear my presentations in a manner as if I were the student: Would I want to spend my time in this course? If I would be bored, or not be given the opportunity to feel that I have gained some insight or knowledge about the topic, I would not attend the course. So if I would be lost in the presentation, I know I would not want to provide such a presentation. I have a mixed bag of adult (well at least some are) learners and it has been challenging to take a provided course and material and “tweak†it into a course that utilizes adult learning techniques. But is where the fun for me begins. Taking required material and having it apply to the students’ needs for the course.