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progress reports

I use the progress reports to stay ontop of the students learning and where they are at in the class. This gives you the opportunity to give them advice on where to improve.

I agree progress reports shows the student how they are doing and what must be done in order to pass successfully.It's also a time when instructors need to re-examine their tecahing style to make sure they are reaching every student.This half way point gives everybody the opportunity to make improvements.

Michael, constant monitoring tools and early warning resources are critical to increasing student retention. We need more research in this area of higher education.

James Jackson

Since the courses that we teach are more like an accelerated course (15 days in length) issuing a progress report once a week lets the student know what assignments are still incomplete and informs the instructor of what content or areas they may be struggling to grasp or understand.

Michael, excellent points. Students need to have access to constant reminders of their progress and where they stand on the path to total success. For many students it is all they can do to keep up with the materials and just do not have the time to also track their own progress. With so many tools at our disposal, use any and all technology you can find that allows students to remain focused on the learning materials and what they need to complete to be successful.

James Jackson

progress reports alleviate stress because the students know what their scores are so they know how much they need to study each day.

I too use the progress reports to help the students understand there weakness and there strengths are at.

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