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Student romance

How can you help a student who is being encouraged to quit by a student she is involved with romantically.

That's a good question. I'd begin by asking her why she entered the program to begin with. Depending on her answer, I'd try to help her to see that she is working to grow herself as an individual through higher education and that anyone who would keep her back from her own goals is not interested in her growth and development. I'd like to say that I'd just tell her to dump him, but I know it's not that simple. We need to ask the right questions and let students give their own responses and state their own desires. We should let them make their own decisions, but we can help bring clarity to their current circumstances so that they'll make the best decision for themselves. We can't force them to choose to help themselves. They need to want to choose help themselves. We can help them see why they'd want to make that choice.

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