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"From this section I've learned the importance of seeing the classroom from my student's perspective."  Comment
...I think this is a good place to start-in the students shoes. My students come in tired and disheveled after a hard days work. Most are eating junk food, for a sugar pick me up. Nobody is bright eyed and bushy tailed.

What can I give them, to keep them motivated, and interested? Light's camera, action! -  Power points that are interactive, and short n sweet. ( to be continued )

By communicating with students about their individual needs and referring them to supportive resources, they can be helped to focus back on their professional goals. Maslow's hierarch is displayed again in that you cannot meet higher needs at the apex of the triangle until basic needs are met.

I appreciate the reminder to not get involved in meeting the needs that experts are in place to meet. As an instructor, the class must go on.

After reviewing this section, It brings to the forefront, the need to be an active listener and observer to help identify and aid the student to self identify, pathways to success and problems that need to be overcome to help achieve that success.

I learned the importance of discussing topics that get them to open up and want to be involved. 

Teaching an understanding the goals the students want. As a instructor it's important to show the students what the outcome of this course.

I found this information to be very interesting and useful. I feel like a have a bit more of an understanding of the students and how to handle some of the roadblocks that come with instructing. Also, ways to help students feel more comfortable well navigating being a student.

Students must learn to balance work, studying and life in order to succeed. Students that are coddled in the education system will struggle in the 'real' world as professional institutions will not be as lenient. Providing a supportive yet professional learning environment will model behavior that is expected in the professional setting. 


This section has taught me to be a better instructor

There were good examples on ways to engage diverse students.

As an adult learner myself, it is important to understand that each student brings different life experiences and trials and tribulations to the table and the student population in a particular class will vary.  This module reminds me to remember that different people are in the class for different reasons.  

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