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I learned that security is the student believing in their ability to get work done and autonomy is student performing work by themselves.

With this information I will encourage students and try to boost their selfconfidence.


Autonomy allows students to make choices that will assist them to succeed


Two ways I can improve student motivation are through making them feel secure and providing some autonomy in the classroom. There area number of ways to do this through instruction, evaluation and altering class procedures to help motivate students.


Use every available resource. Share your wisdom. Make them feel secure

Positive rienforcement. Allow students to be involved in the process makes for more motivation and feeling of security in their personal learning experience.


Security & Autonomy can make bring about higher learning in our students

going to keep the class motivated with positive feedback and allow for the student to choose their own feedback on sourse stucture

Students look for secuiruty and autonomy. Even when a student gives a wrong answer make sure to give them encouraging feedback. 


What was learned:

Creating an environment that focuses on Security and autonomy in the classroom.
Also, Knowing the indicators of when a student is motivated
-Volunteer to answer questions asked
-Begin tasks promptly and complete
-Have attention and attend class
-Participate in discussions

This will help me identify if adjustments are needed on the delivery of the material, questioning techniques, and also check in with students who may not be showing the indicators of influence.

I do tend to offer supportive responses when I recieve a vague response to a question.  I try to make students comfortable when answering, especially those students who only answer through chat and not verbally.  I also will try to implement more variety of choice when giving assignments or projects.


It is important to evaluate the types of activities that you are presenting in my classroom, and how it helps students to understand the content of the material being presented. 

Motivation is based on the student's self-perception not how the instructor tells the student that he/she can do it.  I will help motivate by implementing activities that will increase the student's self-perception of his/her abilities in my classroom.



The power of choice has stood out to me. I appreciate the ideas of permitting students to be doers in the class structure and asking of questions. 


Motivation with any student is key.  Most would assume by teaching in a vocational setting motivation wouldn't be a factor, yet it is.  I thik most of the time the students show up motivatied, but with adult learners, they will get easily discouraged.

Trying to comminicate with them to learn what their needs are is key.

Then applying what the student needs to the classroom is next.

All very difficult. 


Giving students choices helps their feelings of control


Rendered support measures  and give postitive feedback.

Always give support and positive emcouragement

I think a challenge for instructors at ECPI has to do with the five week format and the modules that come with each shell - It can be difficult to make changes to a "shell" for a cource because staying on track for the five weeks is curcial in order to successfully do a condensed course 

However, ijstructors can still offer some adjustments - and should - and this module showed us some tips for allowing perceptions of autonomoy and giveing real choices to students to help them engage nore and enjoy class with more sucess 

You can give the student autonomy by giving them a choice of an assignemnt. Example: Written essay, project, presentation.


Security and Autonomy are crucial to the delivery of instruction and keeping students motivated and engaged


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