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Try to use my own efforts and those around me and use some skills I learn to created calmness with some spare time and my life so I can be more focus and my energy and attention and things the really matter

I always try to prioritize in order of importance, but I do have immediacy issues because of my time constraints. I usually try to set aside time for certain tasks so I use time blocking to accomplish my tasks.

Cesar, That sounds like a wonderful approach. Often times, the most peaceful environments are created by us. We set the tone, others respond and join in.

Dr. Melissa Read

Amy, Yes, for many of us, "to do lists" are an essential. Instructors are simply balancing too many tasks at once to keep everything in our heads. When we put our tasks down on paper, we are able to focus on other things.

Dr. Melissa Read

Jacqueline, I like your thinking. Blocking specific times for specific tasks can make a big difference. Sometimes it can be challenging because we take up more time than we thought during a particular time block. If this happens to you often, I recommend building in a buffer block for overflow tasks.

Dr. Melissa Read

I always have a to do list and update it frequently but I definitely feel as though I often get caught up in external tasks and then put my important tasks off for another time. I need to be better at prioritizing the tasks on my list so that I do not feel stressed and anxious knowing that I have not completed an important task before the time I wanted to have it done.

I do prioritize my tasks, but I learned this the hard way like most things in my life. I have learned to complete the most urgent tasks first.

In the classroom I prioritize my tasks for the day's activities and write them on the board, the less urgent tasks for that day if not discussed will be discussed the following class.

My most important task are always done first. If I have any questions on response time or the deadline of the task, I normally ask for clairification on the urgency of the task. After understanding the urgency of the task, then I can prioritize the task list and move things around. I don't hesitate to point out what is on my plate and how the new task will change what gets done first.

Yes identifying those tasks that I dislike need to get off my plate so I can enjoy rewards of free time later

I need to write my to do list rather than keep a "mental" list. This will help better prioritize the tasks.

I usually accomplish these right away.

This really helped organize my thoughts of myself. I waiver in between periods of procrastination and immediacy. sometimes hours apart, sometimes days and even weeks apart but I can relate to both. I am always making lists but I really like how they broke down the lists and then prioritized the items in the list.

Wow, yes I'm the instructor that is grading homework and tests as soon as the students turn it in. I think, instead of controlling my own time, I am letting the students control it. Its ok for the students wait until tomorrow for their grade.

I am encouraged to become more consistent with my task list. I like the idea of creating one every Monday to reprioritize my tasks. I tried the list and yet I find myself slacking off in that area as well. From this point I plan to be more dedicated to the task of creating a task list, then truly follow through all of the time rather than some of the time.


As a habit from younger years, I enjoy having a clear mind so I usually take care of the necessary task first. I now understand how to group some of the necessary task together to work efficiently.

I found the idea from this module helpful that I will prioitize task by egergency instead of all at once. I will implete the idea of writing them out based on importance and deadlines.

I have always been pretty good at time managenemt but I do admit there are something that I will change and look to free up some time

I admit I do prioritize certain tasks, I get to some right away and others get put on the back burner. I use to get to everything immediately. But the busier it gets and the more you take on the more you procrastinate on.
I need to start back and making list and checking off so I can see what I am not getting to.

Sondra, Sounds like an approach that will work well for you. Prioritization can give you great piece of mind. You can rest easy knowing the most important tasks will be taken care of.

Dr. Melissa Read

I am a big believer in "to-do lists". I always try to accomplish the tasks that are a "must" before the end of the day. If the item is not a "must" I do like to take some time and think about the task and what is involved and try to complete it within the required time frame.

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