Bret Ruiz

Bret RuizCHEP

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It is a challenge to get students involved in classroom discussions;maybe because students feel intimidated or because they don't want to be embarassed in front of their peers. However, if you ask interesting and probing questions you will be able to break through the barriers that keep students from actively engaging in the learning process. Also, I like to assign group work in the classroom. This encourages both team work and students feel more open to trying their ideas out with one peer. Are there others way to get apathetic students to "own" their education, instead of relying on the… >>>

One technique that works well with adult learning is group work. For example, I have students get into groups of 2 to 3. Then students ask each questions from a handout; goal is to get to know the students. Then team members introduce someone other than themselves in the group. This way students establish a "common ground" and there is a sense of camaraderie. This is a positive way to get student participation going in a Communications Class. Any other suggestions?
Discussion Comment
One of the issues, for this cohort is a lack of experience in writing essays or answering essay questions. Many of these students write the way they speak, which is to say that they use slang and acronyms; rather than write out the word "you" they use the letter "U". Their spelling is poor although they have the benefit of "spellcheck". What can be done to help them learn to write whole words and sentences which make sense.
It seems to me that one way to establish an excellent rapport with students is to really listen to them. Let them express frustrations and what they need. Avoid jumping to conclusions and judging students' views based on the teacher's values and needs. If you earn students' respect then you give back inkind.
I find that students often just want the answers from the teacher. They try to get the exact questions that will be on a future test from the teacher. Instead of trying to explore ideas and concepts for their own sake. Any thoughts on this common issue?
What are the most effective ways to get the prority items done and keep track? I like to use Outlook to input my weekly goals and daily tasks. I especially find the reminders of when things are due.
What do you do when the equipment and supplies needed to integrate technology are not supported by the school. Even though administrators want teachers to use new technologies?
Students who regularly miss class present special challenges for teachers; often these students don't have a good reason for missing class. How do you help them? There isn't time to go back over lots of material, otherwise you will run out of time and slow the progress of the other students. I suggest to students that they ask classmates for notes or input. I also highlight major points. I expect students to read class assignments and be prepared for quizzes and exams. What do other teachers do?
I start each class by writing about key concepts for that day on the board.During classroom discussions I explain these concepts. At the end, of class I go around the room and ask students to explain a term/concept in their own words. I also ask students if they still have other questions. I recommend that they highlight or use post its to remember these key items. What do others do along these lines?
Some students are great at memorizing facts, but they have difficulty with abstract theories. I try to use examples to illustrate how "X" concept has practical applications. What are some other ways to help students use critical thinking skills and experience to solve abstract questions?

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