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No, I will not change.

I have a huge procrastination problem. At work and home.

I think prioritization constantly changes. Some things may move up or down on the list according to what is going on with work, kids, community involvement, church responsibilities, etc. Just keeping a 'big picture' mentality helps me decide what really needs to be done and what can wait.

I don't believe I will change how I handle tasks. I do have some procrastination, but I have worked to change that. I typically will write a to-do list at least once a week, especially when I am busy, and post it to my calendar, so it comes up the next day and reminds me of what I need to accomplish.

I do tend to grade certain assignments quickly, such as quizzes and tests, but I give my students a break after their quiz, so it gives me time to grade them and they aren't hovering for their grades. For homework and larger assignments, I will often work on them over the course of a couple days.

I find that I will procrastinate on some assignments, such as grading transcribed reports or papers, which causes me trouble in the long run. I am trying to work on that by working on a few at a time, because the huge pile can be overwhelming at times.

Jennie, This is an interesting observation. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook and driven a higher desire for immediate feedback. That being said, it's important to clearly set expectations in the classroom on what is reasonable and realistic. While we are all aided by technology, there are some fundamentals that require a time investment no matter which tools we use.

Dr. Melissa Read

Jeffery, I understand where you are coming from and a lot of students in this forum have shared that they have similar experiences. I rarely meet a person who gets everything done that they wish to accomplish each day, though many try. Knowing that sometimes helps as we have high expectations of ourselves. Sometimes we need to press the reset button on those expectations understanding that most days are not going to be 100% perfect.

Dr. Melissa Read

Mike, It sounds like you know yourself well and have a healthy approach to getting things done. For you, it's not just about the way things look but actually about true progress. That is something many others can learn from.

Dr. Melissa Read

Ali, Practice makes perfect indeed. Great time management skills don't happen overnight. Like any subject we learn, they require time and focused attention. It sounds like you are well on your way to mastering these skills.

Dr. Melissa Read

Melannie, It sounds like you have a great system in place and one that you can rely on. You are right, you don't necessarily need to change it. Just keep it up. As for your procrastination challenge, yes trying to work on a few tasks at a time can help. Breaking larger tasks into smaller ones is another great approach.

Dr. Melissa Read

Talk about a real eye-opener. I had just read an article about adult-ADD, ADHD and found myself possibly in that category; then when I started with this module it clicked. I have a combination of procrastination and immediacy. Talk about spinning your wheels and feeling like you've accomplished nothing. This module couldn't have been better timed. Now I have a much better understanding of what I need to do to get my "to do" list done correctly; not just done.

My question is how is that when I teach, or even in my day to day life I struggle with this; yet when I was still a bed-side nurse - I didn't - I did what needed to be done and got things done - or is it somehow different because of the expectations?

I have a pretty good handle on prioritizing my tasks. There are some things that can be put off until later or things that can be delegated to coworkers who do not have a class.

For tasks that are important and urgent to complete, I will put it on the list and assess the level of importance. Based on the level of urgency, I will typically try to finish up the project I am currently working on before moving onto the new urgent project. There are a number of factors that can and have changed this process, but this is my typical process(ritual).

Richard, Some of us have certainly developed time management rituals over the years. Every now and then, it's important we examine them to see if they are optimal or could be improved. Sounds like you have got a good system in place.

Dr. Melissa Read

I would have to agree with most on the discussion. Immediacy and control are really sabotaging my efforts to prioritize. I am going to use some of the techniques to brainstorm out what I have to do this week. Then, I will categorize and prioritize the tasks. If I get into the habit of doing this each Sunday, I think it will give me more control over my time and make each task seem less urgent than it really is.


Procrastination certainly haunts my to-do lists, and while I easily immerse and complete a task once I start it, its the starting that is often the struggle. Sometimes I find myself completing low priority tasks to avoid starting the big ones. So, I cannot say that I will completely change the way I prioritize, I do need to change how I attack the tasks. On a related note, has anyone seen

Urgency will depend on when a task is due. Since most tasks will be a sequential set of events, performing those tasks in the sequence they are due assists with time management. A lesson plan has to be finished before a lesson can be taught, which will then require a quiz. The quizzes must be finished before a test can be constructed, and the tests will be the basis for a midterm. Since we are lucky in the fact that midterms don't come before quizzes we can set the urgency of a task due to practical use and due date.

i like to get the tasks that are important done with so i can have time to keep learning

I actually believe that I am very competent at prioritizing my tasks. I have had to make to do lists for years and yes, some tasks are continually pushed to the bottom of the list until then end of the term but they always get done before the due dates. I would not say I accomplish task right away nor do I put them off. I have learned over the years it is a balancing act that one needs to learn that you cannot always accomplish everything you set out to in a day. Some tasks might just have to wait for another day. I do not believe I will change how I prioritize my tasks because for the most part I do not feel I am rushed to do my work and it gets done in a timely manner.

I mainly have aproblem with two things: 1) Procrastination and 2) Disorganization. So my time mangement is abysmal. The organization part really stmps me but the three piles and having the discipline to actually throw out papers without worrying that I "may need it" or may enjoy or find use for it later it would definitly help.

I tend to put tasks off for another time. Procrastination is a big fault of mine. I want to stop this and one obstacle that I have to overcome to succeed is to watch less TV. I don't usually tend to try to do something right away. Sometimes this is a blessing because I get time to mull over and think or sleep on the task which seems to result in better solutions. I will be trying to prioritize tasks as suggested. I have always had to do lists and had a similar method for prioritization but still got hung up on procrastination and other people's needs interrupting me. I need to find more motivators to keep in my vision.

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