Students Sharing Grades and FERPA
I am under the impression that having students grade one another's papers is a direct violation of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). Students are not supposed to have access to grades other than their own. Just wanted to bring it up...
I never thought about ferpa but i have been asked not to as they cried about sonmeone seeing their grade. ( these are adults age students )
I don't think having students grade one another's papers is a good idea. Confidentiality issues arise and some students will think that the instructor is not doing his/her job or just being lazy. Also, if a friend is grading the paper, cheating has been known to occur.
How do you ensure that grading has been properly done?
That was my immediate reaction too when reading the part about student's grading homework. I feel that homework can't be graded just like a test can't be graded. I don't want other student's to have access to others grades, or to even modify the grading by marking something right or wrong depending on the relationship with the other student. I understand that this is juvenile, but it has happened to other instructors in the past. This is a very sensitive issue (FERPA). We are told not to do this but to have work study students grading. I feel that is a problem as well.
This is an important point Laura. When other students are grading exams and homework, we must take every measure necessary to prevent errors - intentional or not.
This is a violation of the FERPA act and should not be done due to federal compliance and legal recourse by the individual student.