Reduce your stress.
We as instructors need to reduce our stress by letting some things just roll off our back. Don't let the little things make you crazy. Remember there are some things we can control and some we can't. For those that we can't control don't take it to heart so much, find a way to make it work the best you can and be ok with that. If we put too much on our self we will go crazy and loose contol of that which is in our control. Our thoughts,knowledge,patience and experiences. We teach, our students learn, so don't sweat the small stuff, be flexable.
Great point Mark. When things go wrong at work, it's so easy to take them personally. But we really shouldn't. We just need to move forward and focus on what's important.
i completely agree. i have found that my number one skill i use every day is patience. and this level of patience had to be learned. it takes practice. reduce stress by exercising patience.
Absolutely concur!
I always preach that you shouldn't stress about the things you can't directly and immediately control. The time to worry about them is when you can actually control aspects of that stress factor, then react.
I think this is great advice Mark. It is those little things that can add up and create a large amount of stress if we let them.
I have always lived believing that you have an understanding of what is in your control and what is not in your control. Being able to let go and walk away from those situation you have no control of.
2nd is keeping on top of the things you do have control of, staying organized and keeping to your things to do list.
3rd: Schedule time on your calendar for you!
Cathy Dutertre
These are indeed great beliefs Cathy. I particularly like your number 3!
It is sometimes easier said than done. I am pretty good about understanding things I don't have control over, however I work with several people who want to have control over everything and they can't let go. I try to do as you said, and tell them to let go of it, but it isn't always easy.
I have always had a hard time walking away from situations. I feel I must complete each task fully. However, I agree with your point that you should stay on top of things you do have control of and stay organized in terms of those things.
I keep a to-do list, and I always write down important and not-so-important tasks on it so I always know what must be done. It feels good to mark off the tasks as I complete them. I do try to schedule time on my calendar for me, so I particularly like that third point that you made.
Finding out what you can control and what you cannot control quite as well helps out a lot in terms of making progress, at least from my experience.
I agree to let things roll off your back. Its tough to do though. I sometimes take things personal.
It's really hard Geralyn and I understand how you can feel sensitive about things sometimes. The more exposure we have to difficult situations, the easier it gets to not take them personal.