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I think we can all agree this might be something we have said at 1 time or another.Learning how to handle the daily challenges we all face, can help us cope with life itself."I can only do so much, worry about so much or don't want to deal with it now", are sayings we us just to put things off. Is this really what we want to do? I guess the saying "procrastinate now" come to mind. Think about it, deal with what we can see, touch, manage and change in small steps. Changing the world one life at a time is so much easier than trying to solve all of humanities problems in 1 fell stroke!

Great points David! Sometimes we've got to prioritize when we have too much on our plates. I think it's ok to push back a little on tasks that are non urgent or not high priority. When we try to accomplish everything at once, we can drive ourselves crazy...and that's not healthy.

i completely agree stress is onlu unneccessay worry over a situation you have no control over.

This is a great reply. I would have to agree with this totally! Within the last year or so, I have realized that I cannot change everything. I have been told, except the things we cannot change, and change the things we can. There is so much in life that we cannot change no matter how hard we try to change it; we cannot let the stress of not changing it effect how we view the situation. I know I can only control things that I deal with, and those that I can control, I have let "run" off my back.

So glad to hear that you came to this important realization Kami. Having reasonable expectations of yourself and others can take you far and give you great peace of mind too!

A couple of words of wisdom that get me through the most stressful of days....

-it will be there tomorrow
-unless someone will die if I don't complete this task, it can wait
-pick your battles!

Excellent list Danielle! Thanks so much for sharing and this is indeed true. I especially like the last point about choosing your battles. It's important to stand up for things. We've just got to make sure it's the right things because we only have so much time.

I could not agree more. I always say "If it is not going to matter tomorrow, then it does not matter now." I use this when something is stressing me out, or just bothering me. I look at it like, if I have the ability to change this or complete this today, then why wait until tomorrow?

The odd thing about acknowledging my high level of stress is the fact that I must take responsibilty for 50% of my stress. I have a tendency to believe that saying "no" is unacceptable. I realize this concept is not accurate but untraining my brain is difficult.

Sometimes our conscious and subconscious go in different directions Letisha. Sounds like that's what's happening to you. Your brain can tell you one thing. Your gut can tell you another. In the end, you've got to find a way to align - that or have the conscious side take over!

Great points about picking your battles. There are so many different battles in a day that some are just not worth wasting your time battling.

What a great way to summarize the entire issue of stress. Now, if I could only internalize this great piece of advice.

Luis, It's easier said than done and I understand that. Some instructors are great at knowing what to do, but struggle with actually doing it. Start small and start focusing on what works and what doesn't. It's ok to ease your way in.

Dr. Melissa Read

I get stressed at times. I feel its an acceptable level and its acceptable to have it relieved as quickly as possible. It's better for me to deal with that minimal level and move forward than to stay stressed.
I appreciate the staff that is available to me to help decreasing stress by helping provide tool and resources to work better. They are great in that area.

Balance is the key for me. To remain productive and on task, I keep my personal and work related 2 do lists daily and am able to not only accomplish mosts tasks effectively, but also have my personal life in order.

I find that getting organized is a great way to turn stress into a productive motivator. The to-do list you mention is also how I stay on the things I need to accomplish, prioritize them, and get them done. If I don't set my list each day, I tend to feel overwhelmed and get more stressed out! There are always unforseen things that come up, and conflicts that surprise me, but I handle them so much better if I have a plan to use as a starting point.

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