Yes, conscious effort daily is the key. Spending the energy can sometimes feel hard to justify at first. However, once we experience the benefits we come to understand that we're saving ourselves quite a headache in the end.
College reqs-enforcing dress code,students that are below average
Student needs-teaching to all learning styles, time management,keeping them interested
organizational-tests, reviews for test,grading homework,assigning homework,powerpoints and lectures,keeping papers in order
Keeping the class on topic and making sure they understand the topic/objective.
Unfortunately I have stressors from all categories.
I am often interupted by students when I am trying to get something important done. I always stop and help them and often forget where I was.
I come to school from another job and often feel rushed. I have to complete my work before I leave my first job and may get stuck in traffic and feel rushed to hit the ground running when I get to school.
Yes, this can be a great source of stress Eric. One method is to start each class by talking about the objectives for the day. This helps orient your students to focus on the material that's most important.
Lots of sources of stress here Monte! This is a great list, but all this must feel overwhelming at times. Your comment about students that are below average is a common one. Many instructors deal with students who do not often meet basic requirements to study in their program. When we lower the bar and allow them to study with us, it can take a toll!
it stresses me out when you show sombody how to do something time and time again, and they still can't do what to me feels like a simple task. Driving 45 min to and from work, dealing with bad attitudes from students, team members not pulling there own fair share.
Some of the general stressors in my life/career would be making sure that my instructors are doing what they need to do in class and making sure that the classes run smoothly. In my life, it would be getting used to moving my family from one state to the one where I now have a job.
Our career school is currently dealing with a changing regulatory environment. Many of us feel the stress of possible downsizing and the day-to-day changes of regulations, curricula and personnel. It can be overwhelming. Some of us have had to deal with four curriculum changes in one year. That is way to much to bear, especially when your VP of Acedemics is shown the door. We are basically paying the price for having overcharged students for the previous decade and a half. We have cut our tuition by almost 60%. The looming cloud of uncertainty is 100% stressful. I just try to prepare and teach each day in a professional and upbeat manner. My current students deserve that. I try to beat stress with regular exercise and more time with family.
Moves can be so stressful Bob. There are so many changes and updates that have to be made. Having a checklist where you can put all tasks on paper can really help make things feel manageable.
currently my stress factor has diminished. Thankfully. I was up until August working full time, a student full time and a full time mother. Now, I have recieved my bachelors degree, and am much more at ease.
Both my personal and professional life have benefited from the reduced stress
Thanks for sharing Kristine! Sometimes stress is temporary. A perfect example is when we are in school. During these times, we've got to remind ourselves of our end goals and the ways our lives will substantially change once our short term investments are over.
Working long shifts , last minute preperations and also lack of support from the higher ups can cause a great deal of stress .
Some general areas that I can identify as major stressors in my life are poor time management, conflicts with my child's evening activities with my evening classes. Working on my Masters while teaching and parenting, often late at night.
Wow, sounds like you are balancing a lot Tracy. Some of your stress will persist, but other stress is temporary. Your Masters studies are temporary. It's important to keep reminding yourself of that when you start feeling overwhelmed.
Enough time for all, family,kids,wife. Making sure I find enough time to take care of me,before attempting to take care of my ever present to do list
Currently, my stress list includes trying to make ends meet while my husband finds the right job (after being laid off several months ago).
That financial stress is a big one; but I fortunate enough to be able to take an additional class - more income, more students, more work. More to do and worry about.
What I am trying to do is stop demanding perfection from myself 110% of the time. At least for the remainder of the block.
I am also trying to practice transparency when I am tired and need to turn down a social date mid week, or put off grading 70 papers on a Saturday afternoon until Sunday.
So far, all is well. I am glad I took ED110 - perfect timimg!
Indeed and glad to hear you say this Craig. It's so important to focus on you every now and then. When you put yourself first from time to time, you'll be better at helping others when they really need you.
I would identify my stressors as:
1) Procrastination - I have personal development classes, continuing education and coding classes that I need to complete at my full-time job as well as at my part-time job (teaching)and I find myself now having to complete them all in the next month
2) Time Management - I do not have a lot of "me" time anymore due to teaching two jobs and when I do I am usually cleaning the house or running errands, etc
3) Personal life - It is very stressful at home at times due to not having time to spend with my spouse
4) Work - It can be stressful trying to juggle two jobs and be 100% efficient
Some students seem to be a bit more needy than others and need time when I am super busy.
organizational would be my major stressors
teaching, clinical rounding, office hours, paperwork, lesson planning, grading, posting grades and assignments, meeting with students, tutoring, I never feel like there are enough hours in the day.