Good advice, specifically, and in general...
I found this section to be helpful, no matter your profession. In the 1970's, I was a NYC taxi driver (has to be THE most stressful job in the universe!); in the 1980's I was a fraud investigator for an international bank; since the early 1990's, I have been a college instructor. All of these jobs are stressfull--life is stressful! Tackling stress is essential to well-being, and being able to identify the stress, and the stressors in your life are the keys.
Another, piece of advice is once you have realized and identified your stress, then you are able to cope, manage, and find ways of reducing stress.
I agree. Pin-pointint your stressors is the first step in eliminating them.
Yvonne, So true. When we don't fully understand what's bothering us, it's really hard to do something about it. Defining what challenges us clearly helps us take action.
Dr. Melissa Read
I agree. We must be honest with ourselves and admit what stresses us out. I know that things that stress me out don't stress my husband. Once I face the fact of what gets to me, I can then take steps to reduce the stressor and realize that I have dealt with the stressor before and I can deal with it again.
It takes time to find things in your life that de-stress you.
Stress is the silent killer, I've lost a few close friends. Management and release is the answer.
Rick, That's sad to hear about your friends. Sometimes stress brings us closer to friends. Other times it drives us apart.
Dr. Melissa Read
Agree, holding something inside never worked for me, moving on work best for me, because the problem may never be corrected, accepting it is the best.