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tired students

What advise do you give a student who doesn't have his life budgeted correctly. I recently talked to a sleepy student who informed me that he works 10 hourd a day in addition to attending 6 hours of school a day. While explaining this, he fell asleep in mid sentence.

Hello Eric,
Wow! Perhaps, you can help the student come up with a schedule to better manage his or her time.

Students falling asleep seem to happen more often when lights are dimmed for computer screen use. I ask those sleepy-heads to stand up (as occasionally one has done) but they take it more ask a joke. Some of these folks have given themselves very tough and hectic schedules. We must keep reminding them that there is light at the end of the tunnel but to get rest so they don't get sick from burning the candle at both ends.

Because I teach a 9:20 to 11:00 pm class, I try to motivate through class interaction. Lecture only will not work.

Hello Kim
Wow, this is late! You must be very energetic as well as motivating to keep the interest of your students.

Hi Ellen,
Yes, some of our students are maxed out with their schedule. Have a firm conversation with these sleepy heads so that they understand you are being serious when trying to keep them awake.

I also teach later classes. I find that if you lecture for a small amount of time and then give them an activity, it really helps. Also, you can give them short reasearch assignments in class, with short presentations on what they found. If they are physically and mentally involved in finding information, I feel that it keeps them more engaged. If I still notice that they are tired, I will get up and move them to a different location in the school, if it is an option. During nice weather, you can move outside the building to finish lecture or a group assignment, but everyone has to be on board for that.


Hi Allina,
You have some very creative ways to help with tired students. Most of our students have full-time jobs while going to school full time, and we have to make things exciting to help keep them awake.

Hi, Patricia..Do you recommend frequent breaks? I usually try to mix it up (lecture, film, discussion) and have one break only (so we can get out earlier). What do you think?

I have kept activities and certain assignments until the start of class. My students start at 6:40 a.m. and it does become difficult to keep them awake. I constantly bring up why you need to know this, because you make X amount of dollars. This will interest them and wake them up. I also have them stand up one at a time and throw a dart on the whiteboard, the white board has sections that when hit will require them to answer a question.The student can not ask for help and must answer the question to receive the points, once I make it into a Team effort they dont let themselves fall asleep.

Hi Juan,
What great ways to keep your students active. You must be an entertainer to teach this early in the morning and to keep your students motivated.

I used that trick of standing up my self. While attending architecture school, I was only getting about 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night, and sometimes even less. When I had to read articles for Theory, sometimes they were quite difficult to get through, so I would go out to the breezeway and stand up. You can't fall asleep when you are standing up!

Hi Chyrisse,
I strongly recommend frequent breaks. I give my students a 10 minute break every 50 minutes. They come back reenergized. In the workplace breaks are taken and employees are expected to stay until it is time to get off. Let's focus on taking breaks and not leaving early as we do in the workplace.

Hi,Patricia...My concern is after each break it takes awhile to get back on task. They seem a little rowdy. If I give a 10 min. break some wander back after 20 min. What do you suggest? Thanks! Chyrisse

Trust me I have to constantly modify my lectures, always on the fly, my prep for a class is never the same. But in the end as much as I try to keep it intersted there are some students that wont put that effort in like the rest and stay awake.

I know what you mean.
I had a student fall asleep while in mid conversation in our lab.
This was witnessed by another instructor.
He also worked full time and of course was in school.
This was a safety issue, as far as I was concerned, working around automobiles.

I interviewed him and found out his weekend activity included late night socializing.
"Good heavens, we must have some of that.
Otherwise I would have no life at all."

The student and I had several conversations about personal priorities.
He agreed to make changes and kept his word.
No more sleeping, standing up in lab.

Al Widel

Hi, Al..You are correct, I wonder about how they manage to drive to school! There is a safety issue here! I have had students on medication who have confessed they often have trouble staying awake. In a case like this, is there something we must do? Thanks! Chyrisse

Hi Chyrisse,
I do not know if there is anthing we MUST do, but we can certainly talk/advise.

Hi Juan,
This is a never ending battle. Some students put forth great effort, others will do just enough to get by. Continue to teach and motivate to your fullest level of potential.

I had a student who admitted to other students that the reason he was so sleepy in class was because he was out partying all night. This happened quite frequently. All other students seemed engaged in class except him. Any suggestions on dealing with this student?

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