Ice Breaker
I have an idea for an ice breaker to start the teamwork process. On the 1st day, I would pass out a handout with 5 questions. They have to find a person to work with on these 5 questions. The questions would be about getting to know the other person. Once they have asked each other the questions like their name, where they were born, etc, etc. Then their partner has to tell the class what they learned about their partmer. What do you think of this ice breaker idea?
I really like this idea, first off it gets the students off working together which I always emphasize team work in the classroom since this is a must in the work field. It also gets students to connect with others they may not have been willing to do on their own.
I find that ice breakers are a great way to engage the class. I implemented the example given in this course with the paper airplanes and it was very successful as I incorporated it into the lesson plan of the day in which we worked in groups to construct medical consent forms. I used the example of team work in the work force and the importance of having everyone's input into a project. Everyone has something to contribute.
I like ice breakers that get students involved like this, but when I was a student and asked to do this there were a lot of students who did not like this. It's better than nothing though.
This is an idea I will utilize in the near future. Breaking the ice will take down some of the walls the students have up when coming in to the class. Engaging with another student will hopefully remove the feeling of isolation.
This is an idea I will utilize in the near future. Breaking the ice will take down some of the walls the students have up when coming in to the class. Engaging with another student will hopefully remove the feeling of isolation.
This sounds like a great way to have students start getting to know there other classmates or as I call them there "team members."
Also I would have them interview someone that is not there "buddy"