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Undocumented learning disabilities

Any ideas on handeling undocumented learning disabilities?

Hi Stephen,
At my institution all brand new students take a seminar and in that seminar it covers a portion on learning styles. Each student is given a test to take that will determine their learning style, and instructors are made aware as to how each student best learns. This practice has proven to be very successful at my institution.

The more I have taught and encountered more & more learning styles, I more I realize that I am/have undocumented learning disabilities.

When I did my K - 12 edcuation, even ADD hadn't been documented yet.

Knowing that I don't know or even understand what obstacles I have to learning has made me realize that my students can be successful - even with undocumented disabiltities - 'cause I have been.

This is not a rationale to short change my dedication to delivery methods, but it has made me pay closer attention to those who don't seem to "get it" despite what I have done to teach them.

I maintain the notion that there are still learning disabiities that have not been documented yet, therefore my perspective is to use "learning forensics" to get into the heads of those who don't seem to be learning.

I have learned a lot from this... like my learners may not know the difference between a simple concept of rows and columns ... or the difference between a single or plural tense in a test question ...

Hi John,
What an excellent approach to minimizing the information in order to help with answers.

I have students that get confused with two part multple choice questions i have them cover up the second part of the question answer the first part then look at the answers make there choice then go on to the second part.

Hello Richard,

Wow, you have such a great testimony to share with your students! You are proof that your disability doesn't have to limit your success. You have an inspiring story!

I am sensitive to this one because I had/have dyslexia that the teachers thought showed I was "lazy" (this was the '50s). My mother got me to a reading therapist who worked with me for a year until suddenly reading became possible.

So I guess the moral is to first try to determine if there is a problem and second try to find some help, either in or out of the school--sadly, not always so easy today, even our current national misallocation of resources.

Maybe a third lesson is to listen to the parents. Ask them if they see any particular ways this child learns/interacts/etc. and start from there. Again, not always so easy, especially beyond elementary school and this depends on the parent. But at least today most teachers recognize there can really be a problem.

I am always very sensitive to difficulties my students may have and when necessary share my history with them. So their knowing that others have had to deal with such problems can be a step in the right direction.

Hello Andy,
What type of help do you offer to the student? Give me a specific example of an undocumented disability that you have experienced with a student.

When I have an undocumented disability I make sure that student knows about all the help that is available without documentation

Hello Don,
What an awesome discovery. I suppose this student will never forget you. It is amazing for educators to be able to find undocumented learning disabilities and to come up with a way to work around the disability so that the student can be successful.

I had a student with an undocumented learning disability that does very poorly on multiple choice test questions. After reviewing several tests that had she had failed I determined that having multiple answers only confused her. I found that if she covered up the answers and then just read the question and answered it, she knew the correct answer. So now everytime she takes a test she covers the answers, answers the question and then finds which of the answers best match her answer.

Hi Lisa,
If you feel as though or if the student feels as though he or she has an undocumented learning disability. I would recommend that the student seek professional help to determine the disability. Recently, one of my instructors recommended to one of her students to see a pychologist to express his weaknesses. Now, we have documented learning disablilities for this particular student, and we know how to better reach this student.

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