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Grading Yourself

One thing I think we need to be careful of as instructors is to make sure we continually evaluate our methods of assessing student performance. In college I worked for a professor who had been using the same quizzes/tests/lecture notes for years, really for at least 15 years. This struck me then as lazy and now as in instructor I find it especially lazy. What a mistake!

It is important to remember not every test or quiz or assignment we write is workable for the students and thus evaluation is key. I ask for student feedback and statistically look at grading patterns to make sure I am on the right track.


It is so easy to fall into the trap of just doing the same thing over and over again. I am an adjunct, teaching only at night and have a full time day job, so for me, the temptation to cut corners is huge. I have found that if I take a quarter off, I get recharged, motivated and re-focused. I use the time off to go thru my classes, my notes and redo anything - tests, lesson plans, presentations etc and change if I noted issues or problems.

Hi William,
It is very easy to become complacent. I have found that if I just get a break from teaching the same old classes, the next time I teach them I am recharged. That is why it is so important to have breaks in this profession.

Hi Summer,
Material does need to be reevaluated. As instructors, we need to realize what worked 15 years ago, may not work now, and we may need to make some changes.

Hi there!
Our massage program went through a significant change last year and so we are still preparing and teaching new classes. I prefer to teach a new class 2 or 3 quarters right in a row so that I can tweak it for the next round when all is fresh.
Once I have taught all the new classes, what I believe will prevent becoming a teaching "drone" is the variety of classes that we rotate through.

Hi Teasha,
I like to teach a new class a few times consecutively so that I can perfect it. I also like to allow other experts in the subject matter to teach the course consecutively so that we can make it even better.

I see the need to constantly update materials. Being an instructor of Sociology, and I assume this to be true of other subjects, using current examples really adds to your credibility. If students are aware of current events, they connect with hearing those events summarized in class, and then they are more apt to make connections/internalize material.

Hi James,
In certain classes there is a big need to frequently update material. I can see the need in Sociology. Students seem to be more interested and can relate better to current events. It also shows the students that you are on top of things as well.

i agree i change things around all the time and it works

Hi Daniel,
Change is good. Complacency can be harmful.

Excellent idea. Altering few veriables in quizes will keep info more afresh for me and keeps student body more honest.

I have asked students to, as part of their final exam, make a suggestion to improve the course

Hi John,
Students can give constructive feedback on improving things educationally.

Hi Zbigniew,
A variation in quizzes really do help mimimize cheating. It is an old strategy, but it still works today.

I try to do a reality check each new term. Sometimes the students feedback is very valuable when I am too hard on myself--however sometimes they say something that I need to hear.

Hi Virginia,
Students can say somethings that really make you evaluate yourself. I've made adjustments based on comments made from my students.

Fortunately I teach in a college where a student evaluation of the instructor is done several times each year. I find the student responses very informative and have helped me, through the years to not only be a better instructor but build a better class.

Hello Robert,
Evaluations can be used as a good tool for instructors to become even better. Allow the evaluations to act as constructive feedback to help improve you as an instructor.

Hi Summer,

I am a 1st time instructor, spending my weekends writing my own tests. I was looking forward to teaching the same class next quarter with the tests already to go. Since my field has frequent updates, we have to use new books every 2-3 yrs. I think it's ok to reuse my tests and notes until we get the next book, as long as I keep my students excited about the subject. I don't look at it as being lazy, I see it as creating and reusing valuable learning tools. I still welcome student feedback. -Jeanne

Hi Jeanne,
It is fine to reuse old tests and notes as long as the material will get them ready for their career.

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