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Class Morale

What other things can an instructor do to boost morale during the first two classes

having worked in an environment where there was low morale, we tried to "rally the team" but the leadership was not supportive of our efforts. Being that classes usually begin around labor day, try to have raffles or give aways. let them know that if they continue to do well through out the class period there is a reward at the end, but they have to keep working from start to finish. And let them see what the reward is. Just like in the show Survivor, if they see the reward, they work that much harder to get it.

Hi Tiffany,
Low morale is not good! We must encourage our students to keep their eyes on the prize. I like how you give your students something forward to look to. I agree students have to know that there is something in there for them.

Patricia Scales

Get out from behind the desk, talk to the class, ask questions of individual students, let them talk about their interest in the related subject and industry.

Set rules and guidelines as positive things that are there for the students and a better education.

Let the students know who you are and what to expect from you as far as your tone and demeanor.

I work from the comedian side, look for the humor whenever possible, get them to laugh and the rest is cake.

This became a method after discovering that I naturally make apparently funny statements and comments while lecturing. At first I was embarrassed by this part of this emergent "style", but soon honed it as an asset and is now a significant part of how I keep the class engaged.

In classes that are generally boring topic-wise it's common for students in those classes to approach and thank me for making the class fun when they know the material is otherwise a snoozer.

Hi Richard,
Obviously you are good at making people laugh. I have been teaching for over 24 years and this tactic does not work for me. I am just not a funny person by nature. I win my students over by being highly energetic and including fun hands-on activities!

Patricia Scales

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