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Disipline on first day.

Starting your class room on the first day I have found that after introducing myself that I emediately let my class know that while we are here to learn that no one is allowed to disrupt the education of another student. On that note I encourage students sitting at the back of the class to move toward the front on the excuse that they may hear me better and if they need to ask a question that I may hear them better. Then I stop the class until they comply with that wish. After they have moved forward I then inform them that is thier seat until the lecture portion is over. If after that, they start to be disruptive or talk I stop and ask them what was that? As if they were trying to join the lecture. Then I ask if they want to add to the discussion to please raise thier hand and I'll call on them. This way they know that I will not tolerate interferance while others are trying to learn.

I beleive it is very important to set the tone on the first day. Set your rules and expectations on the first day, this way there won't be any issues the rest of the module or semester. Also I have my students sign a "contract" that they understand and know my rules and expectations of the first day. This way if there should be an issue along the way I can pull out the "contract" and refer to what was discussed on the first day and what they agreed upon. It works really well.

Cheryl, great post and I really like the use of student contracts. Most important is what is discussed on the first day and setting the expectations for the remainder of the time you have with your students.

James Jackson

Absolutely truit. Setting the tone for the course/day is a great idea and should be a standard in all classes. Its better for the student and the teacher.

Ronald, great post and with over a thousand instructors sharing their experiences and results the more you can set expectations on day one of any new group of students the better outcomes you can expect to achieve.

James Jackson

If you let the students know the 1st day of class what to expect of them,it will be a much more relaxed atmoshere. The tone must be set the first day, I agree with Truitt...

Alcide, I too agree and the importance of the first day with any new set of students or any new subject matter cannot be overstated.

James Jackson

I find this to be true as well. Setting the tone of fair but firm has always served me in the past. I also find it helpful to hand out written polices and have them sign an acceptance form to be given back to me.

The first day is so important for setting the expectations of what has to be achieved and expected in class.

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