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Four styles of classroom management. Needs to be self-evaluated and then put through 4 step model of improvement.

I learned the different types of teaching styles and which one is more effective.

I always see a teacher as a manager. Therefore, I think the types of leadership are similar to the management styles. I think great teachers as leaders need to be dynamic and change their style accordingly to the group's needs. I am glad that I was on the right path. 

As a professional, I like to learn the best techniques to be able to inspire and bring out the best in each of my students, therefore I am planning to apply the information about how to implement the "guide" style in my practice.

My style tendencies and how to blend them better.

My goal is to set boundaries. To ensure keep a professional relationship with my students, but also being able to give support when needed. 

Teachers can transition to styles based on the school environment. I used to be more of a guide but have become somewhat apethetic.

Great techniques learned to ensure classroom management is that of a "Guide".

I learned the different management styles and also which type of instructor I am and want to work at becoming a better version of it. 

I learned the four classroom management styles for adult leaners. I have to change my teaching methods and adopt new strategies to help them succeed.

The importance of classroom management 

I plan to incorporate more of the guide management styles in the classroom setting. One of the few lessons that I have seen in adult classrooms, is being consistent, be a role model and expect everyone to participate in the classroom. It fosters better communication. 

This was helpful, I actually enjoyed the content. I learned several things about myself and my teaching.


4 management styles and types.

I have learned about the four teaching styles and about how I will strive to be more of a guide.

4 types of classroom management and which one closely fits my style

There are 4 types of teaching styles and "The Guide" is the best type of teaching style.

I would like to be a better guide. There are some things that I could do better to be more of a better guide. I feel I a lot of things a guide does but there somethings that could be fined tuned. 

I plan to continue to improve on the guide management style

I learned about the 4 Step Model. Planning, Impression, Proactive techniques, and Encouraging. 

I learned what type of classroom management style I have. The importance of positive feedback and accountability. 

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