Screaming Golden Rule!!
Golden Rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself. Silver Rule: Don't treat others the way you do not want to be treated.
After finishing this course, People skills, Soft skill and EQ., I find myself thinking this all releates to the Golden Rule. When I talk, I want you to listen, therefore I listen to you. When I make a mistake I want you to help me correct it as I would help you.(constructive feedback)When I don't feel like doing it I want you to push me along as I would push you.(Motivating others)The list goes on. I think if one lived by the Golden Rule, their soft skills would improve dramatically.
Re:the golden rule,when giving constructive feedback,I feel it is very effective, the student seems to know your there for them.
In every classroom I am in, I try to live by the golden rule. I treat my students with respect, and they in turn treat me with respect.
I call my students by their last name- Ms....
or Mr....
I am polite to my students- and they know what is expected of them.
I am happy that I took this course. It will help me more, with my people skills.