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gen y learners

My biggest concern is with the critical thinking and decision making abilities that seem to be lacking. They need to be able to think on there own feet .

I too have seen a weakness in this area with this generation. I think the more we can engage them with the entire thought process & force them to spend time thinking through these items the more they will develop in this area.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree with you Frank. Our generation was brought up much different, I can't was not part of our vocabulary. Give 110% in everything you do and if you have a problem, find a way to solve it!

I believe that one of my concerns is that I tend to be maybe "too" flexible where learning is concerned. I was a baby boomer, but having taught for almost 30 years, I have had to work through all generations. I can see; however, where this latest generation may not be able to "think on their feet" because if technology fails them, where do they go?

I agree with you Frank. Not only has Gen Y been raised with technology as the norm they are a generation that has been raised with a greater feeling of entitlement than previous generations. During my lectures I stress that in the workforce self education is extremely important and that they need to take charge and solve problems on their own.

this is a great lesson to be teaching, regardless of the generation, but especially to Gen Y learners. I too try to constantly reinforce that you have to own your career & no one is going to hand you promotions, raises, etc.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

the kids to day really don't have good thinking skills an don't want to work out the problem

I agree with Mike. We alway give 110% and work hard for what we earned. It seems like now a days everyone wants everything handed to them. I don't get it ??

There seems to be a conection with "digital thinking" that these kids have a hard time shaking. In other words: if something unexpected happens they simply think they're just "pushing the wrong buttons".

this is a good point. I recently was conducting a workshop with Gen Yers & we had to point out that even if they did the "right things" situations (with people) can still go wrong & they have to be prepared for that. This was a difficult concept for them.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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