Each individual speaks his own language whereas culture is set of patterns in a cummunity dress, laws, customs
Students can develop both literacy and language skills. Some students learning English may have highly-developed literary skills that do not immediately show up and therefor it is critical to be aware.
Es muy importante reconocer, respetar y fomentar el aprendizaje en lengua materna. Además, no hay una lengua o cultura superior a otra.
Agree with Mrs. Angela Zaugg.
My experiences with international students learning English....
Don't make fun of students bad pronunciation, instead help them learn the proper pronunciation.
Correct mistakes, help explain the meaning of words or the use of new words, and allow them to make similiarities with their mother tongue. Some foreign language words are pronounced/written similar to English or have same or very similar meaning.
Allowing a student to access their Mother Tongue to help in their learning is so important!
Language is an expression of one's cultural and heritage. It is important that this be recognized and that students are not made to feel minimized or lesser than in an English-only classroom.
Language is a part of culture
Having access to "mother tongue" and student's original language will always enhance student's additional language learning.
To best serve the students, it is important to recognize their culture and language, so they can better learn and become literate, without diminishing their first language.
Language is the form, literacy being the use of that form. Culturally, the use of form makes people identify with unique qualities of their culture, such as slang or formal dictation.
best to get to know your student and not make assumptions
This module identifies the importance of developing instructional strategies to support students who speak more than one language.
Language and culture are indissociable
We have students that speak English as a second language and they seem to do ok as long as there is another student who is bilingual.
Language is a reflection of culture. Culture is expressed through language.
Language, as a reflection of culture, should be respected for every student. Even if the main language for your lessons is English, understanding what the student's mother tongue is helps us to recognize the difficulty or challenge said student may be having.
Students from diverse backgrounds and geographic areas may speak the same language in different ways
The module shared the importance of allowing students to utilize their "mother tongue" rather than trying to apply an English only structure. It also discussed acknowledging that students may be proficient in conversational English, but need supports for academic language.
Different languages can spark conversations among others and create relationships.
Helping all students apply their English language from their native speak is important for learning.