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I can understand that a payroll course would not be an attention getter. I like to often use case studies and have one student be the customer and one be the accountant and then switch roles getting them to understand the importance of what they should be looking for in certain situations along with the videos you mentioned could help with engagement.

Antoine Lewis

Currently I use PowerPoint, YouTube, databases, topic games (jeopardy) and Engrade. I need to become more informed about available course references and media. I find it takes me hours to review potential useful videos or teachng tools. William M Austin DC


Finding reputable classroom technology related to the subject matter teaching the class session can be time consuming. It is important to have a reliable way of archiving the material. Lastly we as faculty do not take advantage of course references and media already provided as I am guilty.

Antoine Lewis

Courses in Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)and the math book include online resources through the publisher of the textbooks. These resources include demonstration videos, availability to get hints that walk students step by step through the "how to" of the chapter or a problem. Our psychology book has additional video resources and simulations available for students. All of these provide additional support for students.

For math and psychology classes, I teach in a classroom that has a smart board. This allows me to save all notes and sample problems in PowerPoint format. I can then make those notes available electronically to students. Those who are absent can then still access sample problems covered in class. Having notes electronically also make it more efficient to conduct a quick review at the beginning of class and/or before a quiz or test.

Students also really enjoy having online access to the gradebook for the course. This allows them to know where they stand at any point and can also serve as a reminder of when assignments are due.

I primarily teach lecture based classes and so I find that Power Point presentations are beneficial. For the most part they help me present a strong visual in an organized manner without inundating my students with text. I also access the internet whenever needed in order to find a pertinent example. Another great site I tend to use is the Public Broadcasting Station website which will have documentaries or small videos with relevant information. All of my students are typically equipped with their own computers, making it easier to access information in a timely manner.


These are all great options and use of classroom technology. Students do not often take advantage of the other options that help with their learning style unless we present it to them and show how it is a benefit.

Antoine Lewis

Jacqueline ,

Using videos and PowerPoint to compliment the textbook helps students and having their computers in class is a benefit especially if you have no projector. This is a great way to keep the students engage and learn the material.

Antoine Lewis

I still believe there is nothing like a good intense lecture and classroom discussion however I do enjoy using technology that allows the students the opportunity to be focused on one thought or theory at a time such as projectors, powerpoint presentations, overhead projectors, etc. I call it thinking, learning and instructing

Before I even address the techniques I am going to use to instruct and facilitate this class I ask questions of the students in getting to know them on the first day of class. This questioning allows me the privilege of understanding how technology savvy they are and what I will use in class and outside of class to nurture their eager minds. So before I approach the class with what I like to use I try and develop a compromise with what I find effective and what they need to be successful in the classroom.

Using you tube is a great idea but the challenge I have found with this is the validity of the information?! So I do not use it to introduce theory but I will use it for an icebreaker or as great comedic relief in class...a good chuckle is helpful to break up the monotony-especially when you can flip it to pertain to the topic at hand. I find that many times you must be skeptical of the sources of information here just as you are when using internet sources...not all information is good information and you have to be careful in this area.

If anyone has any suggestions for me, please my mind and ears are open. Thanks.

I use when the proper resources are available in my classroom to do so (projector, sound, etc). I used to movie "something the lord made" to help students understand the function of the cardiovascular system and they really seemed to enjoy it.
I have also started to create flashcards via Engrade to help students prepare for each exam. Its a little extra work but they seem to appreciate it.


Even with classroom technology a lecture and/or classroom discussion is necessary but it does not have to be the entire class as that is what many experience in the past.

Antoine Lewis


With YouTube you have to do your research as many reputable faculty or recording lectures/presentations online.

Antoine Lewis


Often times the preparation to teach a class is more difficult that teaching the course itself. I do hope the student appreciate the extra effort to help them learn the material.

Antoine Lewis

As a digital media teacher for middle school, high school and college, I utilize many different types of technology in the classroom We work as editors using Final Cut pro and Adobe Premiere software, digital cameras and sound equipment. I also try to utilize the Internet and cellphones as tools whenever possible, I find this especially helpful with my younger students. Cellphones keep students engaged and involved in a world they know a lot about.


For the subject matter you teach one would believe that you have to stay current on all digital media technology. You finding a positive way for them to use the cell phones is great. I am curious to know the pros and cons for teaching college students vs. k-12 students if any at all.

Antoine Lewis

The technology that is mostly used in our classrooms is overhead projectors with complete access to Internet. I have on more than one occassion been able to look up information in an expedient manner and quickly download something from YouTube to embellish the classroom activities. Technology has become an extremely useful tool in the field of dental and dental hygiene education.

I use a variety of technology tools for the classroom. I've found that Dropbox, Evernote and Googledrive are excellent for sharing information with students and staff members. Engrade offers the ability to create Wiki's, flashcards, tests, quizzes and discussions that are all easily accessed by students. Quest garden allows me to build webquests for the students to use in completing research projects. Socrative is a program I find usefull for getting students to engage in the classroom without others knowing which answer they submitted so the embarrassment of being wrong is not an issue and it gives me good feedback on if I'm successful in getting standard or the learning objective adequately covered.

Creating Screencast-o-matic through Youtube videos or Voicethread videos for the students who were unable to be in class for the lecture has been great tools. Students who want to review the information find these useful as well.

I've been considering using these tools to switch to a flipped classroom. Just haven't had the courage to commit to it yet.


Good to see that you are able to use technology in the classroom. Projectors with internet access have become vital to teaching in the classroom. Lesson plans may be easily captured and shared online enhancing interaction with students and engaging them with a visual component.

Antoine Lewis


I see that you are committed and have experience with various technology to make the classroom experience even more interactive. I enjoy using drop box myself and YouTube. Many of the other tools I will have to check out. If you have not already done it could be beneficial to share these tools with fellow faculty members at your institution.

Antoine Lewis

I just completed an inservice on the use of the smart boards, voicethread, Dropbox and google drive.

I'm working toward the flipped classroom. So my students will watch the lectures at home and do more hands on during class. They will also have the chance to do the traditional question answer homework during class.

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