through exposure at first then by incorporating research and assignments with the use of tech.
next step was by demo and hand on use in class
last step was the actual use for delivery of class content and the integration in the curriculum
I fully agree! There are often times perks to membership as well, such as scholarships and the ability to have your work published in professional journals.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Fantastic idea! You are teaching students how to make the most of technology, and rather than simply giving htem the answer, teaching them how to be self motivated learners.
Yours in learning,
Theresa Schmitt
I work at a school that is slow to embrace change. We recently have added desk top computers in most of the labs allowing
students to access online reference materials. We are starting to see more and more students using their own laptops and
tablets in class. This allows us to do end of course surveys from the own devices instead of paper surveys.
Additional, one of the programs in shifting to a mix of online and class work to reduce the number of hours required to be
on campus.
Overall, the transition is going smooth. One speed bump is you see lots of students who are not comfortable using the computers.
No, only the standards: PowerPoint, web search assignments and general computer usage.
I teach in a very fast paced program in the biological sciences. It is very important to make the learning experience as fun as possible. I incorporate games, videos, class projects, and case scenarios to help the students to apply the informatin they have learned.
I have seen a shift in delivery practices in the classroom as typical "chalk and talk" classes such as English Composition are now being taught in a computer lab; this does create a problem when the students are not familiar with the technology. The teacher may find that they are not only teaching the course subject material, but computer basics as well. A mandatory computer basics course or a competency exam is always a good idea before introducing computers into the classroom, I do hope this is something your institution has in place or perhaps planning to put in place in the near future.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
The theory instructors at my school use power points, Evolve, ATI, and have laptops with internet connections in the classroom. I teach clinical in the hospital, so I have to be careful with HIPAA. I use my iPad to help with explanations and show YouTube videos as appropriate. One of our patients was having her cerclage removed by the MD, prior to delivery. The students were invited to observe. A cerclage is a procedure done by an MD to suture close the cervix, so it can not dilate prematurely. On YouTube the students were able to view several actual cerclage procedures and also see a graphic demonstration of how it works. They were 100% engaged while we discussed this, much more so than when reading in their text.
In my classroom, I use anything from powerpoints, to videos, to submitting work online to engage students. Students seem to respond well to having access to multiple learning techniques.
At our school, we also use an online program called Engrade. This program allows students to access their grades, take quizzes and exams online, and take part in discussion boards. I do not, however, do not utilize the discussion boards.
Upon completion of this class, I will now be working to implement discussion boards into my classes, along with more technology-based student projects.
I teach a front office class as well as offer a computer tutoring class. In both of these classes we are using laptops and online software. I am in the process of getting approval for new computers and access to our schools blackboard system so that even more of the work can be done on the computer and for the tutoring class I can have online simulations for them to complete on there own outside of "class" time.
Thank you for sharing. I am happy to read you will implement a discussion board into your classroom environment. I find it very effective and the students who tend to say very little in class find their voice in this environment.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Best of luck with these enhancements to your classroom! What kind of simulations are you looking at implementing in the learning environment?
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
Hello Theresa,
In today world, education technology plays a significant role in class delivery. Every aspect in the classroom can be supported by technology: lecture (PowerPoint), quizzes (, and math (Microsoft Math 4.0). In my computer applications class, I introduce the cloud environment through the use of OneDrive as support for team project by sharing a folder between members. I think OnDrive fill the purpose virtual learning since student can work together after class through their sharing folder.
I teach most of my classes remotely via hologram. JK - I use Keynote like an ordinary sucker. We do use a moderately fancy LMS though.
While some technologies are not allowed by our school a few that are mentioned in the course are already in use such as file sharing and incorporating online videos in the classroom. I’m looking forward to implementing some others such as setting up a forum or blog. It has given me several ideas to try.
Fantastic! A class discussion board or blog is a great way to promote continued learning outside of the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt
I currently use youtube videos and online continuing education sites to support material covered in class. Feedback from students has been good, as they say that they get to hear the material from other professionals in the field and that it reinforces the lecture material.
I struggle with this because even though I am somewhat tech saavy, I am uncomfortable myself with a lot of the new technology. With that being said, many courses that I teach require the students to understand how to use a manual of some type. For example, I teach a lot of medical coding. The certfication exam is a manual exam where they must use the coding manuals to look up and answer the questions. There are coding software available however they are not 100% accurate and that accuracy must be learned or your physicians lose money.
My students love Youtube videos. They are able to see how the situation that we are discussing in class relates to real life events. We also rely on Google images when it is relevant to our discussion.
Ruth Ann,
I see your predicament- you definitely do not want to trust an online source and find it not to be accurate. Perhaps research the publisher of the books you reference and ask if they have an online app that can be purchased for a reasonable fee.
Wishing you continued success in the classroom.
Theresa Schmitt