Jonathon Hersman

Jonathon Hersman

About me


The best thing you can do is stay on top of grades. I tend to put off archiving grades, then it stacks up. Now I get it done the last day, and that leaves the first day of a new rotation for more class prep time. I also archive everything from that same day if I can, and if not, I get it done the first thing the next day. Don't let it stack up!

I have the same problem with students in my class that have struggled in the past with learning electrical. What I do to help build their confidence is I show them some of our beginner projects that break electrical down into a simpler form that can be understood easily and then I build on that. I also can relate to them because I used to struggle with electrical and I can relate to them with that issue. Math is a tough one for sure just like electrical. I sure am glad there is calculators! 

ED112 was a very informative course. I think one of the biggest enemies of motivation is complacency - I remember going to school and it was always tough towards the end of a course. This still remains true to this day of myself and the students I encounter. Its one of our biggest challenges, but the reward is inspiring them to finish strong and succeeding at it. I think one of the best motivators is putting a stop to frustration, if you see someone getting frustrated, a positive word of encouragement has enough power to move a mountain, so remember… >>>

Discussion Comment

Pre-tests are a great way to see where everyone is at. Even in my training as a nerw instructor 8 years ago, I remember thinking I was a loser because I scored low on some of the pre-tests the school gave us instructors, but later I realised it meant I have alot of room for improvement, and it put me in the students shoes and now I relfect back and am glad I did it, and teaching the material now has meaning.

If your curriculum doesn't allow for a pre-test, you can ask your students questions about their projects to make sure they are understanding everything.
Being prepared for your class as an instructor is equally important for our students to be prepared as well. We need to have the facility, time, space, materials, and knowledge available for our students. We also need to remind our students that they also need to be prepared, such as having the right tools for the job will one day enable them to be successful in their career.
Ever been in lecture and had your power-point fail? Computer lock up? Projector die? What's your back up plan? we have the lecture notes from the power point printed out so we can read from it and continue on. We also have it on a USB stick so we can put it on a laptop and continue. This is one of the ways we can be organized and prepared.

I agree. There is alot ogf students that come from many different backgrounds, which presents a challenge to every instructor to itentify their style of learning and be able to teach them. I found the test taking portion of ED104 helpful as well. Overall this was a good course. It was pretty quick and painless too, I like that.

Blog Comment

I liked the part about Google Scholar, I did not know that existed, and also a few other things this course taught be about the internet and using it as a tool for teaching.

Technology is changing every day, you need to be on your toes and learing all the latest and greatest things out there, and also how to use it. ED119 helped alot with that and had a lot of useful information.

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