I believe there are a lot of benefits to an instructor/student connection through social media. And used properly, students could be directed to new learning material. To elevate the problem of students having access to personal information, we were instructed to create a professional profile that is separate from our own personal profile. It seems to have worked well so far.
I believe its a good idea, however thier should a social site just for the class. Therefore, its strictly for class and not for sharing personal information. A class blog or discussion forum may be a better idea, rather that twitter, facebook, and any other popular social network sites.
I believe there are some instances where social networking can be positive if it is utilized in a professional manner and for educational enhancement purposes. Unforunately, these medias are abused by many and can be detremental to one's character and reputation if it is not properly managed by the individual. I have mixed opinions on this issue.
I believe there are some instances where social networking can be positive if it is utilized in a professional manner and for educational enhancement purposes. Unforunately, these medias are abused by many and can be detremental to one's character and reputation if it is not properly managed by the individual. I have mixed opinions on this issue.
Yes, if used appropriately. This can help bring the classroom together. I find that peer-to-peer learning is increased in these situations and that more students actually get involved, even the shy ones.
I do think that it sis ok for students and instructors to be connected on some social media outlets. I do not think that it is ok if they are connected in a non learning environment though. For students and instructors to be connected it should be through an instructor made social media outlet like a classroom twitter feed.
I believe that Social Media can have a real valuable place in education. I have used a class facebook page. In the beginning, it worked really well. over time, it became a place for students to vent about their frustrations in the program and in the field. Students began to lose sight of the separation of their personal pages and their school groups. When it worked well, students were able to discuss homework with one another, view a class calendar, obtain assignments, and contact me very easily and with little impact to me (on weekends and evenings).
The other problem that I see is the rate at which social media changes. My space, Facebook, twitter, now the Line app. as soon as you get familiar with a social media, a new one comes out and your old one is no longer valid.
Yes, I believe it is important to be connected as it helps in many areas. For example, it helps with retention because students are more likely to respond to a Facebook message. Another way is for students to post their work on their Facebook page and to ask for feedback that they can incorporate into the final project (my program is graphic design). This can also be a great retention tool by keeping students engaged and to see that their instructors care enough to follow them on social media. This also gives potential employers the opportunity to view work in progress to gain insight into how the person thinks when solving design problems. I also stay connected with alumni who become great resources for speakers.
Yes, I believe that students and instructors should be connected on social media outlets because it keep them well rounded and updated with things that are going on.