Introduction to Service Learning | Origin: ED121
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Creating Service Learning Opportunities for Students --> Introduction to Service Learning
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I teach at a school for audio engineering, and my areas of focus are film/television sound and certification for Pro Tools (an industry standard software). Community service in this field isn't easy to explain to students, as they all seem to think they're going to make the significant jump from student to multi-award winning sound editors/mixers by next week; the reality is that they need to create a client base, a work ethic, and beyond reading texts and manuals, get their hands dirty and make mistakes.
I consistenly tell them that they should be meeting film students who need sound work done for their final projects, find bourgeoning youtubers who need better sound, and offer to help those content creators with their projects. The unfortunate truth that so many students can't seem to understand is that the first few years of a career in sound (music, film, or games) is typically done for free. It's a learning tool for interaction with creators, the platforms (film, music, or video games), and the processes behind each of them.
All of that is to say, that's the closest parallel I can draw between my areas of instruction and the usefulness and benefit of service learning.
Emotional intelligence is important to keep the learner engaged in school and helps identify the EI skills needed to manage self.
Today with all the technologies the EI skill is being lost by the younger generation. As an instructor, we need to have the emotional intelligence to deal with students and being able to connect to their situations.
I have always included community service in the course plan for my graduating nursing class to introduce them to the service aspect of nursing expectations.
This course has given me ideas on how to introduce the course to the students to make them understand the rationale for the community service projects.
Creating Service Learning Opportunities for Students --> Introduction to Service Learning
Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.
Service learning takes place outside of classrooms and includes work done by students both on and off campus tied to the curriculum by the instructor through reflective writing assignments.
Community service learing is a big part of the courses I teach.
Service learning can enhance the overall learning experience for the younger generation. They become more interactive with their current environment and they can better appreciate the value of life.
Service learning is an excellent pedagogical tool to allow students to take their classroom knowledge out into the community and make application of it to help others. Moreover, they are helping to build stronger communities throughout this type of learning.
Service learning is important, but often depends on offices and administrators beyond the professor (as it must be the case... but it is an added complication / consideration)
Students get practical experience with service learning that help them and the community. We can set up specific programs as needed to assist in the community.
Service learning is a learning experience for students, and helpful to the community, also giving the student a sence of giving back.
Giving the students the opportunity to givr back is implemented in my program already. The types of community service have been broken doeen ans easy to define to the students. The knowledge they recieve is far more than any book can give them.
I was not aware of the term service learning until now. Thank you.
There are many opportunities for service learning in the school and community. One is only limited by one's own imagination. As I was reading though the material, I reflected on a potential service that could be executed with my students if I have a cooking class next year. I know that some families might not have enough food in the community. We can take what we cook in class and take it to the families or we can have an afterschool service learning opprotunity where the kids cook a meal that will go to several different families. I think food is an easy potenail opprotunity that will garner a lot of enthusiams amonth the students and community.
I like the idea that service learning can create empathy
I like the idea of having the students identify the needs in the community and coming up with their own projects. While it is good to give them examples and ideas, I think that it will give them more buy in and follow through if we let them develop the idea and let them see what is possible.
I really appreciated the list of benefits of service learning programs. It can help me explain to both the students and community partners the value of developing service learning projects to both groups. Our service learnign projects provide the students with a weekly assignment that allows them to complete a needs assessment and develop appropriate programming for the population they serve throughout the course of the semester.
This course is affirming, enjoyable and informative.
I have included service learning programs in some of my English Composition I,(First Year Writing) courses as well as my Children's Literature courses. In both cases, the students not only learned how to apply the skills that were learning in class to working with students in elementary schools, but learned that giving is much greater than receiving.
As my students worked with the elementary students, their skills of critical reading, thinking, and writing were sharpened. They became more engaged in class discussions by being apply to more aptly apply theory to practice. Those students who were interested in careers in education were able to obtain some first hand knowledge as well as begin to network with professionals in their desired field.
I also serve as the Service Learning Liaison for faculty at my institution. In the past, we have done only direct service learning projects both on and off campus. I believe that the new information for me in this course regarding the different types of service learning will provide more opportunities for me to explore with faculty. The academic service, indirect service, and advocacy service will allow some faculty to become familiar with service learning in a less demanding fashion, and will allow more students to participate due to the limited time periods with these three types of service learning.
Continuous learning is always fun.
Service learning allows for a copacetic relationship between the student, the institution that they represent, and the larger community.
i teach in vocational school , we do alot of hands on and actully encouage students to build pipe projects .