Use adult or infant models
Instead of stuffed animals, let's use models
that are more realistic. Students learn by
I agree, i cant imagine learning from using stuffed animals.
I have used a sock monkey to demonstrate a newborn physical assessment. The sock monkey had asymetrical ears and presented a visual they could see and know what to assess for. They would then practice on a doll/manikin to develop the skills needed before their clinical performance on a "live" infant. The use of a stuffed animal worked well in this situation although I would certainly not recommend the use of them on a wide scale. Reality based is always a better learning situation.
Brenda, I agree that reality is best, but with learners they must begin with dolls and manikins.
Michele Deck
Agreed, nothing like jumping into real life situations to learn/understand.
I agree, The more it feels real to them the more they will grasp the skill we are teaching.