Ken Rose

Ken Rose

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Simulation models are the newest creation to give medical students hands on activities to help them learn.

I would encourage instructors to give their students this experience.

Instead of stuffed animals, let's use models that are more realistic. Students learn by repetiton.

I have learned from this course to vary media presentaions and create a relaxed environment.

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Try creating an actual real life example of a situation. Or better yet create a situation and ask small groups of students to develop an action plan to assess, plan and implement the action and have a system to monitor the students actions.
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I like using real life examples when I educate my class. By creating interesting examples of current personalities or celebreties, students may find the topic more fun and interesting. Another way is to have the students practice using their own information or ideas. This includes them in the process of learning
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I have learned that adult learners have an attention span of about 15 minutes. I know when I have taken classes that is true. When I start to feel unfocused, I simply close my eyes and take several slow deep breaths. I find this brief break to help focus my attention on the task at hand.

I have been privileged to adopt a consistent routine of quiet reflection usually first thing in the morning. This helps to relax you and set your frame of reference in a positive tone for the rest of the day. The process of meditation will help the individual stay focused on what is essential in their health and their mind. The focus is on the individual. We must realize we cannot control the the thoughts or actions of others. Instead we should strive to deal with stresses and conflicts the best we can without changing others behaviors. The old addage 'kill… >>>

Most students prefer a roadmap or outline for their day in class. I always write on the board the topic for each hour and identify which topics will require student participation either on their own or in groups. By letting the student know what is expected of them at the beginning of the class, they will have chance to organized and become more efficient in the learning process and ultimately save time during the classroom period.
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The mistake an instructor often makes is not rearching completely the material they want to present. One suggestion is to make an outline of your presentation and try to anticipate questions your students may ask. Another idea is to write a brief quiz on the topic and ask the students to complete as an in class learning exercise. You may be able to identify areas that may be to be revisited or further explained.
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I have had many students who would like to ask questions away from the topic at hand. They usually will try to bring in their own life experiences which have nothing to do with the material being presented. You just simply tell that student that we appreciate your input but for this class can we please get back to our topic.

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