I think this teaching way is very usefull specially with a medical assistant.Train them to be more perceptive and more observant. they are the first person that see the patient, taking history about past and present condition, using the 5 senses while talking with the patient is of a very important role since you can see something or feel what is wrong with that patient and advise the physician so he can use this with his judgement on the case.
Hanaa, I'm glad you like this teaching strategy and I hope it is an idea you can incorporate into your classes.
I, too, like this idea. As massage therapists, it is our job to assess our clients before working on them. Understanding cues, postures, behaviors as well as signs of illness is key in determining if massage is contraindicated or not advised. You can never pay too much attention to detail.
Nicole, since the students are over focusing on listening, they miss all those other important cues. Hope you will use this one in your classes.
Assessment skills can always improve and I'm glad this is an activity you think will help your students.
I enjoy using this activity especially with pictures from the "old days" in dentistry when we didn't wear all of the personal protective equipment we do now. It helps students learn with their eyes, not just their ears.
I also have used this method, but it was during a video. The had to write down everything that was done or said incorrectly.
Even parts of videos can be used, one source would be Youtube for "what's wrong with this picture."
I agree as humans there seems to be a natural instinct to point things out that are wrong while considering the right or correct way of doing things the norm. I think "What's wrong with this picture?" is a great way of enforcing the old cliche that "there is no right way to do a wrong thing."
I am a instructor in a Surgical Technology Program! I use this game to teachc my students to understand and be able to identify issues within the operating room (sterile environment). I break the students up into teams of two. They have to then go into the lab and role play a task or skill that is in violation of sterility. Then they have to take a picture of the right way. The students then present this to the class and the class has to identify the issues at hand. This is very effective way of learning and allows the students to teach each other as well as implement their professionalism while presenting.
I really like this teaching strategy I teach a phlebotomy technician course and very often use videos from you tube for testing, what the techinician did wrong they have to dictate how many mistakes and identify the mistakes that were made in the process of performing a venipuncture on a patient. A great source for teaching I love it! It is very interactive for the students.
Seeing is believing, Yowanda. This is a perfect strategy for creating awareness in learners.
I think this techique is great for many different applications
What's wrong with this picture requires students to think/analyze
Teaching students to think like someone in their future career is a hard but necessary job of a good teacher. I'm glad you liked these, Joel.
This strategy is very useful both for visual and non visaul learners. Clinical excursions or use of Avatar to role play a clinical scenario that students may not be able to see in actual rotation i.e. ICU setting is a good way to stimulate discussion maybe about ethical dilemmas in ICU setting. Students can watch a film or picture montage and start disscussions on posible ethical and legal issues, break in confidentiality
I agree! I am a very visual learner and a visual instructor as well. I always try to find pictures online to show in my class to emphasize a topic or point of view. It helps them remember an important point and it helps me explain it to them in an easier way...