I also believe in repetition, I think students feel more confortable with the class, and at the end of the module they feel more confident that they have learned the content of the class and they are sure they assimilated the important concepts of the subject.
Vania , it is valuable not only to incorporate review, but to give the learners a chance to see its value as you have described.
Michele Deck
Some reasons to be a learner in my own class would be that I love the use of my 'real life examples' or experiences to the current topic.
I use "fun" as much as I can to keep my students active learning. I care about the success of all the students and it shows in the way I come to class prepared, and with my open door policy students know I'm the teacher when ever they need me.
Mark, I would like to be s learner in your class, too. You know the value of a safe, energetic learning environment, and students need that to be successful.
Michele Deck
I often learn from the questions that my students present. These can help me present the information in a different way. If they didn't fully understand the first time I can try diagrams, videos, or other sources to explain the information. The more sources we can use the more repetition they will experience.
Gary, questions are the ultimate assessment and evaluation tools for an instructor. Thank you for sharing your experience with them.
Michele Deck
That is very good idea.
I also in my medical terminol class ask my students to write terms with their defination like between 6 to ten time.and at the same times i review what i went over
absalutly, connecting the materails with daily life and personal experience will help students better learning. Thats what i do in my classes.
I believe that the key to be successful in teaching and provide quality of education is to expend our knowledge not only on the subject matter but over all on all areas.
Mohammed, creating many opportunties for review is an important part of lesson planning.
Michele Deck
Mohammed, true learning happens in all areas of life.
Michele Deck
I would like to be a learner in my class because I use a variety of learning styles to ensure all my students get engaged. That way I can make sure all of my students leave class with sometime of knowledge from that days lesson, whether they are auditory, visual or hands on learners.
Dr. Lindsay, it is good to reflect on your teaching plan before and after, knowing you are doing all you can for your students.
Michele Deck
I believe that I adapt each lesson plan based on feedback provided by students. I adjust the pace of the class with each milestone met. I try to incorporate as many teaching strategies and tools available to me.
Elida, you are smart to plan and update your lesson plans each class.
Michele Deck
We play quiz games the class before a test, watch videos, do crossword puzzles, etc. It's more than just flashcards!
Jill, it is the variety of instruction that helps facilitate real learning in class.
Michele Deck
Showing students your enthusiasm when teaching creates an atmosphere of positive energy. When students see an instructor being passionate about teaching they become passionate about learning.
Jane, I agree that enthusiasm and positive emotion are contagious. So is negative attitudes which is why we should avoid them.
Michele Deck
Negative attitudes from students are a challenge for me. Sometimes I question myself if being too upbeat and positive are more or less annoying to those types of students.