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Skeleton Bone Puzzle for Anatomy Class

My A&P group loves play a game we call skeleton puzzle. We have a big box of bones we dump out and then have the students identify the bones and reconstruct the skeleton like a puzzle.

It has been an amazing tool to have the students remember the names, shapes, sizes and locations of the bones : )

Suzie, I agree i will definitely incorporate this!!!

This is a great idea! I think I might try this in my Anatomy classes and use different body parts for each system, using the same principle.

Karen,I'm glad you can apply this to anatomy class as well.

Michele Deck

I love this idea and look forward to utilizing it next time I teach skeletal system and also utilizing this for learning origins, insertions and actions of the skeletal muscles.

i like this idea, I will try it with my class. The students will get a better grasp when they see and touch the bones

I like this idea also! masking tape is easily removed and students will enjoy the activity.

Have you tried using bones for certain appendages and then incorporating the different muscles, tendons, blood vessels, diseases that are part of the area the bones are in? This would allow the students to draw on their knowledge from all the systems they have learned.

I also love this idea, I like to use masking tape and have a race to see how many bones the students can label correctly on their partner.

I love this idea and plan on using it in my classroom. when learning is fun, more learning is done!

Suzie , this is so much more effective than lecturing on the bones. Keep up the good work!

Michele Deck

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