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Visual methods

I like using a combination of both visual and hands on to teach my students. The use of both really helps to get and keep the students interest, as well as helps them to put things together so they have a better understanding. For example, we like to play med term jeapordy. The students are able to see the word parts/suffixes/prefixes and they can physically match them on the board.

Physically matching the terms on the board is a great example of kinesthetic reinforcement. Thank you for sharing your successes with students!

I do think viual methods are good, I am including more visual methods into my teaching methods. I have founf them to be useful.

I find visual methods are good and the students really learn from them and enjoy it.

Thanks Cassi.
I am agree with you. I love visual and handout. If anybody watching the powerpoint then that time that person pay the attention over the screen. After you give that person handout then get clear conception

I believe that a combitaion of wriiten ,verbal along with hands on demonstration of new techniques will improve retention and learning along with overall motivation.

I have employed the grab bag method, which would contain prefix and suffix words. The students would give an example word of what they pulled out of the bag.

I as well use this same concept. It's a great way to see how the students have really picked up the terminology.

Any ideas of watching surgeries in class? Any links?

I agree that visual methods including topic related videos helps and it really works

its importent to lets the learner focusing in visual and hand because this let them transfer this information to the midbrain and by this way keep the information for long time

salah, this is the way that long term memory is built.

Michele Deck

I am a strong believer in what you do. I think a combination of visual and hands on is for sure a home run.

Visual activities are a great way to teach certain subject matter. When appropriate I will have the students chose teams to compete with one another. This assist with building relationships in the classroom and potential study partners.

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