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What is the preferred course project? Would it be group or individual?

I see there are many students that do not want to work in group settings. Older adults are the same, and would rather do projects by themselves. What have other instructors seen?

Agree Most of the students do not want to work in group,however,The students who work in group,they do not participate in collectivism way.

I assign a individual project in class for their written work but also have the student do cooking projects and research in groups to build team work and colaboratiion

In order to encourage everyone to participate in group assignments I have them to also fill out evaluation forms where they need to grade their group memebers and themselves.


I think self-evaluation forms are very helpful. There are exceptions of course, but it is often surprising how consistent a group can be in grading others as well as themselves.

Jae Gruber

I have the same problem some student stay behide and dont want to participate,when that happen i let them present the project in the front of the class.

We assign partners through the "Buddy Bucket" which is simply a quart continer with the roster. They draw names and that is their partner for the day. The partnership is mostly just for misen place, equipment sharing or oven space- the students still get graded on their individual work. If they are graded on a group project I have them fill out a section on the rubric titled Teamwork worth about 10pts and they provide input on how the team fared.

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