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3 Important Technology Tool Considerations

First, when considering tools for online classes one must consider the software required to complete tasks. If students need to purchase additional software this could be an obstacle to the process. Second, the tool must achieve the outcomes consistently. If not, other tools should be considered. And third, cost. there are wonderful tools out there, but can you justify their cost. Searching for open source options is a good place to start. If none are sufficient to meeting outcomes, then look for proprietary options.


You make a great point that is usually not discussed and that is cost. Does the technology cost the student. You also make the comment between proprietary and open source there brings in a a whole other set of considerations. Great post to think about.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Another thing to consider is if the students have an alternative source besides purchasing the software (or hardware) tools. Do they have access to the tools to complete the course through their local campus, library, employer, loaner, church, or other public access?

Although the student should not enter the course without having access to all the tools, its also important that they have a realistic second source (backup plan) to access the tools in case they loose access to their first source.

This is not something the course or instructor can require, but the students should strongly consider before entering a course.

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