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Hello Everyone!

The most important manners and patterns that should be developed within an online setting are the interactions within the discussion forums and expectations of the course. When responding to the forum students will view the instructors response and the content provided to frame their own responses. This will allow the students to view the importance of greeting their peers and adding content and questions to further expand upon the discussion threads. Also, setting expectations in terms of assignments is also another important element in developing a positive and productive online setting.

Agreed. Do you think you should show examples to model appropriate answers?

Establishing expectations for the virtual classroom requires a significant investment to reinforce student activity. Posting several announcements with clear writing that address each topic with clarifications that short and to the point is an essentail practice. After announcements are posted, sending individual emails to each student with documents to ensure the students understanding and grab the student's attention are necessary. Without these practices, the student will enter the class with an assumption based on previous classes that may not meet the requirements for the current class.

First, and foremost, the most important is communication. I have been in the health care field over 30 years, frustration and lack of job satisfaction from employees has always led back to the need to know and what is expected of them. Therefore, consistency in the pattern of teaching is of utmost importantance to ehance one's education. If a student is unable to follow your pattern of teaching and there is inconsistency,then this will lead to frustration and a poor learning experience. This is exactly why an example of a model is very important to give the student an understanding of proper communication and expectation.


don't you think that is especially important in online courses? In the online environment, that frustration can be amplified.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Hey, Dr. Wilkinson.
Most certainly. I try to place myself in the same and/or similar position that I ask of my students(i.e. complete the same workbook and reading assignments as assigned to the students,etc.); This gives me an idea how long this may take to complete and also the amount of effort required to comprehend the subject matter.

Frustration, on-line, happens all the time if one has ever attempted to order merchandise or communicate to businesses of any problems experienced on their particular websites.
You can easily tell which ones have it together and the ones that have placed less effort in the development of a smoothe running site.
The same goes for the educational environment.

Communicating all of your expectations clearly and at a level that everyone will understand is very important. Examples of your expectations enhances that component.


True, what ways do you communicate these expectations?

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

It is important to be consistent in establishing a pattern of teaching. I always set up a “Coffee House” discussion board in the course room. This is the first thing I check when I “go to school”. Any response I give here will be seen by a variety of students pretty quickly. I am happy to answer questions over and over here – anything that helps!

What a great idea! So you even have a pattern for your different types of discussion. Love it!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Consistency is key in developing a pattern. I used to have a separate DB for my students to ask questions and I think that will be revisited again because I am finding more students not using the announcements DB so perhaps using another forum will be beneficial.


I do the same. I also encourage students to answer questions that other students have in that DB.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

To develop successful engagement with the students requires setting a pattern of response to their posts that will encourage thoughtful responses. Reinforcement is important to generate interest and engagement. If the students know that the instructor will always answer questions quickly and completely, then they will be more willing to ask questions that may answer their question and help other students as well. Sending individual emails to each student will help they to come to know that you care about them as an individual and will therefore encourage them to work harder.


I really like your approach. I think you are spot on. I also find that if you have them talk about themselves you can use that information to connect with them. Have you used facebook to help facilitate this?

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

No, I haven't as not all my students are members of the various social media sites and it is easy to reach all my students through posts and emails using our Eagle Gate system.

David Robinson

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