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Student Interaction

Hi All!

I truly believe that a high level of interaction with students will increase the credibility of an instructor with students. Instructors who do not provide timely feedback or answer questions promptly are usually not considered very professional by students.

Do you think an instructor that provides timely feedback and promotes interaction with students will foster professionalism in students as well? How often do you think an instructor should have individual interaction with students?


Jacinda, I have taught for a few different online schools and the requirements for instructor post vary. One school that I work for requires that the instructor responds to every student on the discussion board weekly, another school requires at least 8 points a week, another school requires, at least 10 on 5 different days of the week. It is important that the instructor actively engages in the discussions with students at least every other day. I have seen where student's get into arguments on the discussion boards and if the instructor is not active in the discussion board he/she can miss this which can definitely take away from the learning experience. Student's also typically mirror their responses after the instructor's so if the instructor maintains professionalism it promotes professionalism among the students.

Katrena Taylor-Springs

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