DIscussion Prompts and More
Typically discussion prompts are provided within the online delivery. These prompts and responses create the online classroom. However, the instructor must play an active role to drive, move, and provide tools to probe deeper into ideas and thoughts in the student responses. If an instructor is absent, the classroom will become as unruly as a traditional on ground one. Students will be off topic and informal if not facilitated properly. Thus, the instructor must take the responsibility of facilitator as a serious job!
Could not have expressed it better, Rosie. Instructors must play an active role in Asynchronous Discussion forums and must be prepared to provide feedback in a timely manner.
That's exactly right Rosie,
I was taught that to be successful, a "discussion thread" needs to be horizontally established...meaning that there is a question from the facilitator, and then MANY responses from the class. These responses shouldn't all be independent of one another though. In other words, StudentOne responds to the thread. Then StudentTwo should be excited about the response, and have a question or comment to offer. Then, StudentOne, or one of the other students or facilitator in the class should feel compelled to respond, et cetera. This is my definition of a successful thread?
What does the group think??
In theory this sounds promising, but does not take into account that life does not happen in such a logical sequence and neither does a discussion thread. It assumes the authoritative model where the instructor is the focus, instead of a student-driven discussion moderated by the instructor. We all have so much to learn from each other. What would happen if you had students take turns at posting a topic germane to the course?